Zoomlion is busy with 40 4.0 truck cranes to rush to the construction line

Zoomlion is busy with 40 4.0 truck cranes to rush to the construction line

July 04, 2020

On February 10, 40 aurora 4.0 cranes were sent from zoomlion quantang industrial park. Fight disease & throughout; Construction line. 4.0 aurora green engineering crane is affectionately called by netizens “ Little green & throughout; In the construction process of wuhan vulcan mountain and Raytheon mountain, tens of millions of cloud supervisors have looked through the screen “ Little green & throughout; For & other; Two mountains & throughout; Building on bricks and mortar. Now, in the workshop of zoomlion engineering crane machinery branch, workers wearing masks orderly busy, is for customers across the country to make products, more. Little green & throughout; We're going to start here.

shipping site of 40 zhonglian heavy engineering cranes

In 2019, zoomlion's product research and development and market sales have made concerted efforts, and its performance has reached a new record high, with the market share of engineering hoisting machinery occupying the top two. Entering 2020, zoomlion engineering crane machinery branch continues to maintain this advantage, customers line up for product delivery.

Zoomlion assistant President, general manager of engineering crane branch luo kai said: “ Under the guidance of the superior departments in charge and the unified deployment of the company, we have been focusing on the prevention and control of the epidemic with one hand and the production and management with the other. In order to ensure the safety and health of employees, step by step, orderly return to work. The number of employees returning to work and the production capacity are gradually increasing, and it is expected that the production capacity can be restored to about 70% by this week. Throughout the &;

As a leading enterprise in equipment manufacturing and a key enterprise in hunan province, zoomlion actively implements the central government “ On the premise of good prevention and control work, fully support and organize to promote various production enterprises to resume production. On February 5 began to gradually resume production. Up to now, zoomlion concrete, construction cranes, earthwork, high-altitude machinery, fire-fighting machinery, piling, industrial vehicles, agricultural machinery and other branches, subsidiaries have been step by step, precision resumption of work. In addition, zoomlion key to build the zoomlion smart industry city project has also resumed construction.

zhonzoomlion machinery branch employees are debugging products

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employees of zoomlion earthmoving machinery branch received temperature detection at the entrance

Lo kai said: “ Under the unified deployment of the company's epidemic prevention and control work agency, engineering crane machinery branch established the epidemic prevention and control inspection team, and formulated a strict epidemic prevention measures to resume work. The first is in and out of the link, strict quarantine checkpoint, effectively cut off the source of infection. Secondly, we disinfected all offices, dining halls and dormitories in the park, prepared adequate masks and other basic protective materials, and closely monitored the temperature and other health conditions of all employees. At the same time, remind the staff to develop the good habit of washing hands frequently, often clean, speak hygiene and civilized and healthy lifestyle. Make proper arrangements for employees who cannot return to work on time. Cloud office & rsquo; , & lsquo; Remote jobs ’ Such as model. These measures, let the staff work at ease, relax, and effectively protect the company's operation and production. Throughout the &;

Under the situation that the epidemic prevention and control situation is still severe and complicated, zoomlion will strictly guard against the outbreak, further do a good job in the epidemic prevention and control work, and strengthen production and management to help the construction of key national projects.


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