With“Double 11”The arrival of the shopping festival,E-commerce platform pre-sale opens ahead of schedule,As a result, the transportation time of mass logistics is also ahead of schedule.,Logistics enterprises are facing tremendous transportation pressure.。Face this“The big test”,Volvo Trucks to help customers improve operational efficiency to cope with online shopping peak,From October 8 to November 30, 2022, the national head customer door-to-door inspection service was launched.,Up to now, it has provided comprehensive overhaul and maintenance services for 1183 vehicles.。
Door-to-door inspection period,The after-sales service team of Volvo Trucks provides engines for major logistics enterprises.、Lubricating oil level and fluid level check、Overhaul and maintenance services for more than 30 routine items such as suspension and steering,It also continuously optimizes the satisfaction rate of accessories.,Timely replacement of wearing parts of vehicles。Eliminate hidden dangers through preventive maintenance,Reduce the arrival rate of vehicles during operation,Help customers in“Double 11”Like this“Logistics war”Get the first chance.。
The engineer is checking the vehicle thoroughly.
As the world's leading truck manufacturer,,Volvo trucks are bringing both efficiency and efficiency to drivers.、Safe、Comfortable car experience,At the same time,It has also become a transportation tool for head logistics enterprises to achieve cost reduction and efficiency enhancement.。In addition to leading technology and superior product performance, “Extreme speed、Major、Worry-free”The service commitment makes customers feel more at ease.,More peace of mind,Help customers improve vehicle availability and attendance,Reduce operating costs。After the customer has successfully made an appointment to enter the station,Complete the maintenance within the specified service time limit,The original parts can also enjoy the manufacturer's two-year warranty.。Volvo Trucks also provides free roadside assistance to customers.,Preventive security check is provided free of charge for inbound vehicles.,Really achieve defense“Suffer from”Yu Weiran,Help customers move forward without worry。
Volvo truck FH
Thanks to the efficient performance brought by leading technology,Volvo Truck has become an efficient choice for China's leading logistics enterprises.。Future,Volvo Trucks will continue to cultivate logistics and transportation scenarios.,Provide high-value transportation solutions for more customers,Helping China's Logistics to Achieve a Bright Future of Efficient Transportation。
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