Colorful Clouds Dian Xia Gong K Kai! XGMA Yunnan New Product Tasting Meeting and Strategic Signing Ceremony Successfully Held

Colorful Clouds Dian Xia Gong K Kai! XGMA Yunnan New Product Tasting Meeting and Strategic Signing Ceremony Successfully Held

November 18, 2022

【China Road Machinery Network Live Report】November 18,With“Colorful Clouds Dian Xia GongkStart energy saving, high efficiency and win-win future”The XGMA New Product Appreciation Meeting and XGMA Chenggang Strategic Signing Event were held in Qujing, Yunnan。

The participants jointly unveiled the new product tasting meeting of XGMA.

Lin Chunming, President of Xiamen Xiagong Machinery Co., Ltd.、Yunnan Qujing Chenggang Steel(Group)Lin Bingsheng, chairman of Limited Company、Xiagong(Sanming)Li Wenzhi, General Manager of Heavy Machinery Co., Ltd., and other guests and Yunnan、Customers and dealer representatives in Guizhou gathered together,Appreciate XGMA togetherKCharm of Loader and Denso New Product,Jointly witnessed the formal signing of the contract between XGMA and Yunnan Chenggang Group,Open a new chapter of cooperation。

Part of the equipment displayed by XGMA at the event site

Activity site,XGMA exhibited 4 sets.NIt is a classic loader,2 new upgradesKIt is the fourth national loader and electric loaderXG958EV。These key products fully demonstrate the development of XGMA.“Double Carbon”Under the background of strategy and energy saving and emission reduction,Actively Embrace Technology Trends,Grasp electrification、New energy、Intelligent development opportunities,Take advantage of the situation,Promote the high-quality development of XGMA;It also marks the continuous empowerment of Xiamen International Trade Holding Group.,Sea Wing Group、XGMA has taken an important step in the transformation and upgrading of the advanced manufacturing industry.。

National Four New Product Strength

With“Guo Si”The switch is getting closer and closer.,“Guo Si”New products are also coming out constantly.。The scene of this tasting meeting,XiagongXG958K、XG968KTwo Heavy-Duty National IVKSeries of new loader products once unveiled,Win the favor of customers.。

XGMA launched two new models of China IV in this event.KSeries loader

Mr. Zhang, a user from Qujing, Yunnan, said.,XiagongKIt is a new loader with fine workmanship.,Fashionable and beautiful,Be in high spirits,There are many similar models with leading performance parameters in the industry.,It makes people feel the ingenuity of XGMA as an old national brand of construction machinery in China.。

Speech by Lin Chunming, President of XGMA

Lin Chunming, president of XGMA, said in his speech.,Since this year,XGMA relies on the strong strength and support of Xiamen International Trade Holding Group, the world's top 500 enterprises.,With complete industrial advantages and advanced innovation ability,Accelerate the integrated innovation and engineering application of the integration of new generation technology and equipment manufacturing,Core products such as loaders are upgraded and iterated.。Future,XGMA will continue to enrich and upgrade its key product matrix,According to the actual operation needs of customers,For our customers to offer more quality.、High-value products and services。

Green Denso hard core powder absorption

In addition to the four new products of the country, this is a big attraction.,XGMA also displayed another key product at the tasting.——XG958EVElectric Loader。

XG958EVElectric Loader

At“The carbon reaches the peak、Carbon neutral”In the context of national strategic objectives,Green Energy,Low-carbon environmental protection has become the main theme of the times.,XG958EVThe electric loader is real.“Green Pioneer”And“Take responsibility for energy conservation”。

Li Zongfeng, senior engineer of XGMA, introduced XGMA's fourth national product and Denso product

Li Zongfeng, senior engineer of XGMA, introduced XGMA to the participants in detail from the aspects of professional technology and application scenarios of working conditions.KSeries loader、Performance characteristics of electric loader products,Let users fully understand the product advantages of XGMA loaders。

The guests at the scene are all interested in XGMA.KIt's a new product、Denso products show strong interest,Conduct a test drive on site,Many users have expressed a strong desire to purchase.。

Strong alliance, mutual benefit and win-win

Activity site,With the witness and blessing of the guests on the spot,XGMA and Yunnan Chenggang Group held a grand signing ceremony for strategic cooperation.,This marks that the two sides will work together to open a new chapter in their career development.,It also means that after 71 years of precipitation, XGMA's products and services have won the recognition and trust of benchmarking customers in Yunnan.。

XGMA and Yunnan Chenggang Group signed a contract on the spot

At the signing ceremony,Lin Chunming, president of XGMA, said.:“XGMA will give full play to its 71 years of technical experience and professional manufacturing experience.,Help Yunnan Chenggang Group continue、Develop by leaps and bounds,Build a long-term strategic partnership between the two sides,Through strong cooperation between the two sides, Achieve a wider range、More space、Deeper Cooperation,Achieve common progress、Win-win development。”

Yunnan Chenggang Steel(Group)Chairman Lin Bingsheng delivered a speech

Yunnan Chenggang Steel(Group)Chairman Lin Bingsheng also said.,For years,Yunnan Chenggang Group Company has always selected XGMA products,The breadth of cooperation between the two sides、The depth is expanding.,Help Yunnan Chenggang Group Company to develop and grow gradually。We hope to take this new product release and strategic cooperation signing as an opportunity.,Take deepening cooperation as a link,The two sides further strengthened docking and cooperation.,Form more cooperative projects,Deep integration,Create and share together,Open up the future。

The activity is drawing to a close,The test drive experience of many XGMA models drew a perfect end to the whole activity.。

This new product tasting in Yunnan,It fully reflects the deep cultivation of XGMA users.、Intensive users、The development concept of diligent users,Under the new industry background and opportunities,XGMA will certainly continue to forge ahead.,Hold on“First-class lead,True responsibility,Struggle is the foundation,Create and share together”Core values,Go forward bravely。


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