Inspiring! Party Members and Cadres of Sunward Intelligence Concentrate on Watching the Opening Ceremony of the 20th National Congress of the Party

Inspiring! Party Members and Cadres of Sunward Intelligence Concentrate on Watching the Opening Ceremony of the 20th National Congress of the Party

October 18, 2022

October 16, 10 a.m.,The 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China opened at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing.。General Secretary Xi Jinping reported to the General Assembly on behalf of the Nineteenth Central Committee.。The theme of the conference is:Hold high the great banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics,Fully implement the socialist ideology with Chinese characteristics in the new era,Carry forward the great spirit of Party building,Self-confidence and self-improvement、Uphold integrity and innovate,Li Fen Fa、Go forward bravely,To build a socialist modern country in an all-round way、Work together to promote the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation in an all-round way。

Founder of Sunward、Honorary Chairman、Chief expert He Qinghua,General Manager Xia Zhihong,Party Secretary Chen Sheng,Deputy General Manager Zhang Daqing、Quan Denghua、Long Jucai,Chief Financial Officer Huang Zhongbo,Board Secretary Wang Jian,Company executive Yu Yajun、Li Changjian、Wu Wenwei、Zhang Aimin and members of the Party Committee of the Company、Representatives of Party members are in the International Conference Hall on the 5th floor of the headquarters building.、ExcavatorJ2. Watch the live broadcast of the conference synchronously in the workshop,Having listened to the report made by General Secretary Xi Jinping to the General Assembly。

The atmosphere at the meeting was warm,Applause broke out,Listen carefully, everyone、Record carefully。After the live broadcast of the conference.,The mood of the broad masses of workers is surging.,Encouraged,To discuss the contents of the report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China,It has aroused a warm response.。

It was agreed that,The 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China is a new journey for the whole Party and the people of all ethnic groups to build a socialist modern country in an all-round way.、It is a very important conference held at the critical moment of marching towards the goal of the second century.。The theme of General Secretary Xi Jinping's work report is distinct.、The thought is profound、Inspire people to advance,It reflects the historic victory won by the Communist Party of China and the Chinese people in the five years since the Nineteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the ten years of the new era.,The cause of the Party and the state has made remarkable achievements.。The report clearly puts forward the mission and task of the Communist Party of China in the new era and new journey.,This paper gives a macro outlook on the two-step strategic arrangement for building a strong socialist modernization country in an all-round way.,To scientifically plan the objectives, tasks and major policies for the development of the Party and the state in the next five years or even longer.,The great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation provides ideological guidance and action guide.。After the viewing,Everyone's blood is boiling,Encouraged,Have expressed the need to study hard.、A profound understanding of the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China should be placed in an important position.,Push yourself all the time.、Remind colleagues,Really keep our thoughts and actions in line with the spirit of the report.,With more enthusiasm for work,Forge ahead、Do solid work、Strive for excellence,Implementing the new development concept、Construct a new development pattern、New Measures to Promote High Quality Development、Hard and practical measures,Make every effort to create new achievements in their respective posts,Make new contributions,Implementing the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the CPC with practical actions。

Founder of Sunward、Honorary Chairman、Chief expert He Qinghua:When I listened to the report of the General Secretary, I was deeply touched.。In the last ten years,The Party Central Committee, with Comrade Xi Jinping as its core, has coordinated the overall strategic situation of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and the unprecedented changes in the world in a century.,Focus“The contradiction between the people's growing need for a better life and the unbalanced and inadequate development”This major social contradiction,A great deal of effective work has been done.。In recent years,My personal footprints are all over the country.,Deep into the urban mines.、Deep in the mountains,He has a personal experience of the earth-shaking changes that have taken place in backward and remote areas.。

The country's strength has also brought about the development of enterprises.,Sunward Intelligence as an Equipment Manufacturing Enterprise,It has also made great progress in this decade.,It has moved from a relatively narrow base to a modern Shanhe Industrial City.,The company's output value has also increased five or six times.。At the same time,Active practice of Sunward Intelligence“Double loop”,Its influence in the international market is increasing.,In the first half of 2022, the overseas sales revenue of construction machinery increased by more than 60% year-on-year%。

In his report, the General Secretary once again emphasized high-quality development.,The connotation of high-quality development is very rich.,This provides fundamental guidance for the development of our enterprises.。In recent years,Sunward Intelligence focuses on connotative growth and achieves double improvement in terms of quantity and quality.,However, there is still a certain gap from the requirements of high-quality development.。At present, China's engineering equipment has occupied a leading position in the country.,But there is still a lot of work to be done to truly become world-class.。Next stage,Sunward Intelligence will“To be the creator of world value in the field of equipment manufacturing”For the mission,Continue to focus on high-quality development,Insist on independent innovation,Develop more world-leading differentiated products,Make for China and go to the world、Promote the equipment manufacturing industry to the middle and high end of the value chain and contribute new and greater strength.。

NPC deputies、Vice Chairman of Changsha Federation of Trade Unions(And)、Zhang Xiaoqing, Vice Minister of Party and Mass Work Department of Sunward Intelligence:The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China is inspiring.、Inspire people to advance。General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out in his report.“From now on,The central task of the Communist Party of China is to unite and lead the people of all nationalities to build a strong socialist modernization country in an all-round way.、Achieve the Second Centenary Goal,Promoting the Great Rejuvenation of the Chinese Nation in an All-round Way with Chinese-style Modernization。”This is the mission of the Communist Party of China in the new era and new journey.。As deputies to the grass-roots people's congresses in the new era,Next, we must closely focus on the deployment and requirements made by the 20th National Congress.,Focus on the main responsibility,To be a group of migrant workers“Spokesperson”,Be the people's.“Officer”,Be the Party and the masses“Connecting the heart bridge”。

Excellent Communist Party members throughout the country、National model worker、Member of the First Party Branch of Sunward Intelligent Excavator Division、Hao Peng, Chief Engineer of Excavator Research Institute:The 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China is a very important Congress held at a critical moment when the whole Party and the whole country are marching towards the goal of the second century.,It has a connecting link between the preceding and the following、The role of leading the future。After listening to the report of the 20th National Congress of the CPC,My heart is full of excitement and energy at the same time.。As a grass-roots R & D personnel in the field of equipment manufacturing,,The conference gave me a clear direction.,Firm faith,In the future work and study,I will keep improving.“Three forces of politics”,Uphold integrity and innovate、Li Fen Fa,Take an active part“Three high and four new”Strategy,Add to Hunan's equipment manufacturing industry“Green”Minus“Carbon”。

Standing Committee of Hunan Association for Science and Technology、Member of the Party Branch of Sunward Intelligent Technology Center、Zhou Enhuai, Deputy Director of Comprehensive Management Department:Today, I watched the opening ceremony of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China with excitement.,Full of pride and pride.。As the Deputy Director of the Comprehensive Management Department of the Technical Center,Service technology innovation、A team of service experts,It is my duty to let R & D personnel concentrate on technological innovation.。In the future, we will be emotionally close to scientific and technological workers.,The starting point of the work is to care about the scientific and technological workers in enterprises.,Effectively Safeguard the Rights and Interests of Scientific and Technological Workers in Enterprises;Serve scientific and technological workers in action,To help scientific and technological workers in enterprises grow up and play their roles;Unite scientific and technological workers on the goal,The initiative of scientific and technological workers、Enthusiasm is condensed into the practice of enterprise innovation and development.,Let the scientific and technological workers of enterprises really feel“Home of scientific and technological workers in enterprises”The warmth of。

Secretary of the Second Party Branch of Sunward Intelligent Functional Department、Chang Jinqiang, Director of Business Department:The Communist Party of China has gone through a hundred years of history.,Continue to move towards glory,The 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China is a milestone in our country's struggle for the second century.。While listening to Comrade Xi Jinping's speech,I feel very excited.,Since the Eighteenth National Congress of the Party,We have accomplished three major achievements that have attracted worldwide attention.,It is the unity and struggle of the Party and the people.、Shine in the annals of history、A historic victory with far-reaching implications for the world。As a Communist Party member.,We must unswervingly follow the Party.,Always be enthusiastic in your future work.,Transfer positive energy;Dare to take responsibility,Take every contract seriously and responsibly.、Every item;Continuous innovation,Continuous cost reduction control,Further improve supply chain management,Prevent supply chain risks;Frugality fosters virtue,Be honest in order to establish oneself,Enhance the sense of honesty and self-discipline,Build a strong ideological defense line against corruption and degeneration,Create a clean and healthy working atmosphere。

Secretary of the Party Branch of Shanhe Intelligent Marketing Center、Li Lihong, Director of Customer Service Department:The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China summarizes the great new journey of building a great, prosperous, strong, democratic and civilized socialist modern country since the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China.,Formulate a series of strategic initiatives,A series of transformative practices adopted,A series of breakthroughs have been made.,A series of landmark achievements have been made.,It's very exciting.!As a grass-roots Party member,,We should inherit the Party's fine traditions and history.,Difficulties in practical work“Struggle”,Further influence and drive the Party members of the branch、The masses continue to be the pioneers of the new era.,The fighter,Be determined to forge ahead,Keep your nose to the grindstone,Take the Long March Road of the New Era。At present,The construction machinery industry has changed from a high-speed growth stage to a high-quality development stage.,Enterprises are also in the process of changing their development mode.、Optimize industrial structure、The key period of transforming the driving force of growth,Under the pressure of industry downturn and enterprise adjustment,As a member of the business support department of the marketing system,Feel the enterprise better.、Industry、The current situation facing the country is grim and the pressure is great.。I hope all the marketing personnel of the company,In the face of difficulties, we should take the responsibility of others and do well to break the situation and open the way.、Overcome difficulties and move forward。

Secretary of the Party Branch of Sunward Intelligent Mining Equipment Division、Gao Shurong, Chief Engineer of Drilling Equipment Research Institute:The 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China is a new journey for the whole Party and the people of all ethnic groups to build a socialist modern country in an all-round way.、It is a very important conference held at the critical moment of marching towards the goal of the second century.。At present, the scale of our country's manufacturing industry has steadily ranked first in the world.,Major breakthroughs have been made in key core technologies,Look to the future,Science and technology is the primary productive force.,Talent is the first resource.,Innovation is the first driving force。As an engineer.,I know that manufacturing is the foundation of a country.、The foundation of a powerful country。China wants to become a manufacturing power、Powerful country in science and technology、Quality power,It needs the power of innovation.。Today, challenges and opportunities coexist,We should actively implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech.,Accelerate the company's independent innovation with a strong sense of mission and responsibility,Strive to break through and keep forging ahead,In order to realize China's manufacturing industry“Change lanes and overtake、Leapfrogging development”Contribute。

Secretary of the Party Branch of Sunward Intelligent High-altitude Machinery Business Department、Zhang Xi, Director of Comprehensive Operation Department:The 20th National Congress of the CPC is a milestone for the Party and the country to embark on a new journey.,Inspiring、Inspire people to advance。New ideas put forward in the report、New Strategy、I am encouraged by the new initiative.。As a Party member and grass-roots manager,,I am well aware of the burden and responsibility on my shoulders.,Under the trend of rapid development of the Group and the Aerial Machinery Division,We must always maintain“Catch up with the exam”Status,With an enterprising attitude,Do well in this exam.。They should always stick to their jobs and fulfill their duties.,Have the courage to act,Exercise hard skills in the daily struggle.,Time doesn't wait for me.、The enterprising spirit of seizing the day,Learn more new knowledge、New skills,Give full play to the vanguard and exemplary role of Party members,Implementing the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China with promising practical actions。

Secretary of the Second Party Branch of Sunward Intelligent Accessories Division、Zhang Fu, Director of Changsha Weiwo Production Management Department:After listening to the report of the 20th National Congress of the Party,,I'm very excited,The report is full of a clear declaration of forward guidance.,Struggle calls,Inspiring。As a grass-roots manager of a manufacturing enterprise,,We should strengthen our political consciousness.,Improve political standing,Continuously enhance the initiative of learning、Creativity,Dare to take on responsibilities in work,Vigorously carry forward the spirit of overcoming difficulties,Strengthen key technologies to tackle key problems,Take on the responsibility and mission of the new era。

Member of the Party Branch of Sunward Intelligent Operation Center、Long Zhen, Minister of Information Technology:Listen to General Secretary Xi Jinping's Report,I am very excited and encouraged.。As the responsible department for the construction of Shanhe Intelligent Network Security System,While feeling a great responsibility,,It also strengthens confidence and fighting spirit.。Network security is directly related to the company's interests.,Network security will never end.。A dike of a thousand miles collapses in an ant hole.,We should also be vigilant at all times.,Informatization will strengthen the group's network security training in the later work.,Continuously strengthen the awareness of the whole staff,Help ensure the network security defense line of enterprises and the operation of enterprise information systems。Let employees build a strong network security defense line in terms of awareness and behavior,Secure personal and corporate information and property。

Liu Yaqian, Organizational Construction Commissioner of Shanhe Intelligent Party and Mass Work Department:I watched the opening ceremony of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China this morning.,After listening to the report of General Secretary Xi Jinping,,My mood can not be calm for a long time.。“Dare to teach the sun and moon to change the sky for the sake of sacrifice and ambition”,Our Party has gone through 101 years of trials and hardships.,Across countless Xiongguan Road,It is still vigorous on the new journey of progress.,Still on the road of national rejuvenation with high morale。As a party worker.,No matter how the future changes.,How serious the challenge is,How thorny the road is!,I will more consciously carry out the original mission.,Better Inherit the Great Party Building Spirit,Firm confidence、Take advantage of the situation,Continue to struggle with a more high-spirited attitude。

Fan Lei, Team Leader of Middle Excavation and Subassembly Team of Sunward Intelligent Excavator Business Department:By watching the opening ceremony of the 20th National Congress of the CPC,I was greatly encouraged.,Looking ahead, General Secretary Xi Jinping described the grand goal of future struggle in the report of the 20th National Congress.,We are full of confidence。General Secretary Xi Jinping made an important speech during his inspection of Shanhe Intelligence.“Key core technologies must be firmly in their own hands.”“Independent innovation is the life of an enterprise”,As an industrial worker in the new era。We should be brave in innovation.,More importantly, we should dare to innovate.,Innovation is big or small.,Innovation is not divided into posts.,As the saying goes“There is a champion in each of the thirty-six lines.”,Do the best in every line.,We have mastered the core technology of this industry.,We must bear in mind the general secretary's instructions.,Master the core technology,For the prosperity of the country,Social harmony,Struggle for a happy family,Live up to the times,Live up to the Party and the people!


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