Extraordinary Decade ① | On-the-spot Report on the Development of XCMG Lifting Machinery in the Past Ten Years

Extraordinary Decade ① | On-the-spot Report on the Development of XCMG Lifting Machinery in the Past Ten Years

October 20, 2022

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A manufacturing power,Ten years of striding。

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out,“Manufacturing is the lifeblood of the national economy.”“We must unswervingly make the manufacturing industry and the real economy stronger, better and bigger.”“Speed up the construction of a strong manufacturing country”。Since the 18th National Congress of the CPC,General Secretary Xi Jinping has repeatedly stressed the need to vigorously develop manufacturing and the real economy.,Manufacturing industry is the main body of the national economy.,It is the foundation of the country.、A tool for rejuvenating the country、The foundation of a powerful country,The 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China also proposed to speed up the construction of a strong manufacturing country.,It points out the direction for China to move from a big manufacturing country to a powerful manufacturing country.、The path is clear。

Remember the instructions,Move forward bravely。Through an extraordinary decade,Xugong Group is a representative enterprise of China's equipment manufacturing industry.,Since the 18th National Congress of the CPC、Especially since General Secretary Xi Jinping's visit.,Always keep in mind the instructions、Forge ahead,Realized“High quality、High efficiency、High efficiency、Sustainable”High quality development by leaps and bounds、A historic breakthrough has been made.:This decade,Business trend“Three high and one can”,The industry has entered the top three in the world.,The product is moving forward“Three high and one big”,Development towards innovation-driven,Market moves towards global layout,Management towards modern governance,Party building moves towards demonstration and guidance。

Make new achievements in the new journey,Achieve a new leap forward in the new era。The 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China has opened in Beijing.,The official account was opened“Strive for a new journey A new era of meritorious service·An extraordinary decade”Column,All-round and multi-level focus on the exploration and practice of XCMG's industrial sector in the past ten years.、Innovation and hard work、Development performance and valuable experience,Welcome the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China with Practical Actions。

Development of XCMG Hoisting Machinery in the Past Ten Year

“I declare,XCMG Heavy High-end Lifting Equipment Intelligent Factory Officially Put into Production!”Standing Committee of Xuzhou Municipal Committee、Zhang Ke, Secretary of the Party and Labor Committee of Jingkai District, spoke forcefully.。September 30,The project of intelligent factory for high-end lifting equipment with a total investment of 1.5 billion yuan was officially put into operation.,At this time, it covers an area of 1100 mu.、The all-terrain crane manufacturing base with an annual output of more than 10,000 units has been put into operation for just ten years.。

2012,The total area is 1100 mu.、The crane manufacturing base with an annual output of more than 10000 units was officially put into operation.

Put forward in the report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China,To build a modern industrial system,Insist on putting the focus of economic development on the real economy,Promote new industrialization,Speed up the construction of a strong manufacturing country、Quality power、Space Power、A transportation power、Network power、Digital China。

Years and growth rings,One record in ten years。From 1200 tons to2600t all-terrain crane4000-ton crawler crane15,000-ton meter-class tower crane,From self-developed management platform to 5GFull value chain factory,From breaking foreign monopolies to topping the global list……Ten years of long volume slowly stretching,Record the steady pace of XCMG's lifting machinery、Full of spirit,Walking on the Road of High Quality Development。

From following to leading,Look at Xugong“Acceleration”

QAY1200 All Terrain Crane Comes Out

2012,XCMG's 1,200-ton all-terrain crane comes out,Has caught up with the industry benchmark,It marks that China has become the third country to fully master the R & D, design and manufacture of kiloton cranes.。After making a crucial breakthrough,XCMG Crane didn't stop.,Continue to move towards the no-man's land of the industry。

“Our branch is responsible for the assembly and commissioning of the crane.,For ten years,The tonnage of cranes on the production site is getting larger and larger.,The localization rate of parts is getting higher and higher.。”As the Secretary of the Party Branch of XCMG Lifting Assembly Branch,Zhu Zichun really felt the innovation and change of the enterprise.。

——“The world's first crane”Records continue to be refreshed。Xugong“Super Mobile Crane”The Innovation Project and the Fuxing high-speed railway.、Fengyun series meteorological satellites、A new generation of nuclear submarine development and other industries have been acquired together.The highest award in the field of national industry——China Industry Award

FromQAY1200 to the world's largest tonnage all-terrain crane、Crawler crane、Tower crane,XCMG's breakthroughs are the first set of major technical equipment made in China.,In the past ten years, it has gone through nearly half a century of crane development abroad.,Continue to refresh their own record.。

The world's largest tonnage all-terrain craneXCA2600

World's Largest Tower CraneXGT15000-600S

4000-ton crawler craneXGC88000

——Continuous breakthroughs in independent core technologies。Pick twiceThe highest honor in China's patent field——“China Patent Gold Award”。At present,The number of authorized invention patents has reached 731.,In America、Australia、49 overseas patents authorized by European and other countries and regions,Patented technology implementation rate 95%Above。Among,Double-cylinder head single-cylinder pin telescopic arm、Wind power combination jib、Variable superlift、Large load independent suspension、Variable width boom of rhombic web member system、All-in-one intelligent push hover、The main key technologies of super crane, such as intelligent enhanced counterweight, are initiated by XCMG.。

——Industry's first technology platform-driven product development model。Take the lead in establishing brand newGA generation of wheel crane、SSeries tower crane、XLCSeries crawler crane technology platform,Break through one by one“Intelligent、Energy-saving technology、Humanization、Lightweight and other key technologies”,Promote industrial progress with original technology,The series products developed on this basis have reached the international advanced level as a whole.。

2016GA new generation of crane products launched

——Localization of key parts and components。XCMG Crane fully implements the R & D strategy of exclusive parts and components,Hydraulic pressure is realized、Electrical、Customized R & D of key components such as transmission。Cost of High-end Proportional Control Multi-way Valve of Crane Drops by Nearly 80% after Domestication%;Cost of domestic controller reduced by 60 percent%Above,The performance completely surpasses the import.;Localization of all core components of independent suspension,The matching cycle is 50% shorter than that of import%,The cost is reduced by 30%Above;Large Nm reducer and special drum、Split slewing bearing、Integral high pressure large flow hydraulic main control valve、Large pumps and motors are replaced by domestic products.,Solve the problem of neck jam,And the successful launch of the localization rate reached 100%YesCSeries all-terrain crane。

2021,100%LocalizedCSeries of cranes came out,Work out“Made in China without core”A magic spell

From device connectivity to 5GFactory,Grab manufacturing“Zhi Gao Point”

“The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China mentioned,‘Insist on putting the focus of economic development on the real economy,Promote new industrialization,Speed up the construction of a strong manufacturing country’,This points out the direction for the development of our manufacturing industry.,It also gives our industrial workers more confidence in the future development.。In the past ten years, our production has become more and more intelligent.、Automation,Continuous independent innovation,Firmly grasp the key technology and core technology in their own hands。”National model worker,Zhang Huaihong, a welder of XCMG's super-large tonnage crane, said as a witness and participant of XCMG's ten years of lifting.。

The world's first intelligent welding production line for crane turntable

In XCMG heavy plant area,Pass 5GEnabling technology and application of big data,“The Internet of Everything”To be realized,Equipment、Product car、Logistics vehicle、Various materials in the production process、Current inventory status……All the performances are at a glance,Fewer people in the factory、Increasingly automated。

This decade,XCMG Lifting Machinery firmly grasps the opportunity of a new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation,To digitize、Intelligent、Service transformation。

——Intelligent manufacturing application is leading in the world。Take advantage of the Internet of Things、Cloud computing、Big data、Integration of information technology and manufacturing technology such as industrial Internet,XCMG Heavy Construction Industry's First 5GSmart Industrial Park and 5GFull Value Chain Intelligent Factory,Create 44 typical application scenarios in 15 business links,Establish 4 intelligent workshops consisting of 10 intelligent production lines,NC rate of key equipment 100%,Increase in comprehensive utilization rate of equipment 53%,R & D cycle shortened by 25%,Productivity improvement 40%,Operating costs reduced by more than 20 percent%,The overall quality level reaches 4σ。

Industry's first 5GSmart Park

It has been successively appraised as the benchmark of national intelligent manufacturing.、National Intelligent Manufacturing Demonstration Factory、Pilot demonstration of integrated development of manufacturing industry and Internet in China,It is the first enterprise in the industry to assess the maturity of intelligent manufacturing capability at the fourth level.。

The first batch of the industry was awarded to China“Intelligent Manufacturing Benchmarking Enterprise”

——The integration of advanced manufacturing industry and modern service industry has been accelerated.。Based on XCMG Crane OnlineAPPAndPCEnd Internet of Things and other platforms to build customer ecosystem,Realize vehicle intelligent housekeeper、Online sharing of hoisting resources、Online access to industry information、After-sales service, online repair, etc.“One stop”Value-added services。Focus on petrifaction、Urban Construction、Cluster construction scenarios such as bridges,Launch a milestone in the direction of intelligent management of construction sites“Crane equipment operation management platform”,Full-scene real-time monitoring,Active early warning of abnormal working condition,Realize active management of all factors。

Launch of crane equipment operation management platform,First crane industry“The strongest brain”

——Drive the transformation and upgrading of the industrial chain。As a leading enterprise in the industry,Xugong pulled the engine.、High strength steel plate、Key hydraulic components with high pressure and large flow、The supporting system of domestic basic parts such as high-precision control system has developed from the industry blank to the middle and high end of the value chain.,Leading the transformation and upgrading of the industrial chain as a whole to high-end products,Extend to construction machinery、Mining Machinery、A heavy vehicle、Four major areas of basic components、40 industries。

From Blue Ocean Dream to Green Development,Brand casting“Gold business card”

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out during his inspection of Xugong.,State-owned enterprises should become a new force in deepening the structural reform of the supply side.,Aiming at International Standards and Improving the Level of Development,Promoting China's industry to the middle and high end of the global value chain。

      Remember the instructions,Determined to climb,XCMG Crane takes a solid step forward。

——Top of the world。The world's authoritative construction machinery information provider UKKHLGroup“World's largest crane manufacturer”The ranking shows,XCMG successfully ranks first among the world's crane manufacturers,In succession“Ranking of Global Mobile Crane Manufacturers”First place!

XCMG tops the list of global crane manufacturers

——The international market is fast and steady.。World's Largest Telescopic CraneXCC2000 exported across the sea to Europe;XGC16000 exported to Indonesia creates the largest tonnage record of crawler crane exported overseas;XGT8075 breaks the record of China's largest tower crane exported to South America;XGT1200 Shining Indonesia;More than 200 crawler cranes exported to Nigeria……The export of wheeled cranes has increased by more than 130% in the past ten years%,Crawler crane、Tower cranes have achieved more than several times export growth.,A large number of large tonnage、Thousands of tons of products go abroad in batches,Advance“The Belt and Road”、High-end markets in Europe and America,Enter the international landmark strategic highland。

World's Largest Telescopic CraneXCC2000 Exported to Europe

4000-ton crawler craneXGC88000 to participate in key overseas construction projects

——Customized models are deeply cultivated in regional market。For Europe、North America、Southeast Asia、Differences in construction environment in Africa and other regions,Develop more than 200 customized regional models,With stronger adaptability to working conditions、Refresh user experience with higher reliability and better operational awareness。Xugong is also the only Chinese manufacturer that has passed the German and EU vehicle type certification.。

XCT40UConstruction of Orlando amusement park in the United States

XCA100EThe largest chemical industry park in GermanyChempark Mar1 Construction

——Green development background is more sufficient。Launch the industry's firstXCT25_EVHybrid crane,Zero fuel consumption can be realized。XCANearly 5,000 wind turbines have been hoisted in more than two years since 1600 came out.,Generate nearly 15 billion kilowatts of clean electricity,It basically meets the annual electricity consumption of more than 15 million households.。VOCWaste gas treatment rate up to 96%Above,Photovoltaic power generation in the plant area accounts for 11% of the total electricity consumption.8%,More than 5,000 remanufactured parts,Save more than 3000 tons of materials、The energy consumption is 2000 tons·Standard Coal。

VOCsWaste gas treatment equipment

——Enabling high-skilled talents to grow into talents。Vigorously promote“The spirit of model workers、The spirit of labor、Craftsman spirit”,This decade,Meng Xianqun、Zhang Huaihong won the award“National model worker”,More than 3200 people have been promoted to professional qualifications,Build a national master studio、Four provincial master studios、One city-level master studio。All kinds of talents strive to be the first,Fourteen people won the first prize in the national skills competition,22 people were awarded national technical experts,Six people won the first prize in skills in Jiangsu Province.,It has won 1238 honors at or above the municipal level.,Among them, 149 were at the national level.、594 person-times at the provincial and ministerial level。

National model worker——Meng Xianqun

National model worker——Zhang Huaihong

Dai Shiyu won the first professional skills competition in ChinaCADMechanical design champion

Meng Wei National Skills Master Studio

Clear away the fog,Distinguish the general trend,The development coordinates of China's crane industry are becoming clearer and clearer.,The forward course is clearer and clearer.。Guided by the spirit of the 20th CPC National Congress,XCMG Lifting Machinery will always focus“Product excellence、The brand is outstanding、Leading in innovation、Manage a modern world-class enterprise”Development requirements, Give full play to the leading role of the industry,Make every effort to make the crane industry stronger, better and bigger,Welcome the New Era with New Achievements,Strive for a new journey,Make new contributions to the realization of the second centenary goal。


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