Sany Heavy Industry: Depth of China Economic Weekly! China's Intelligent Manufacturing Standard Sails to Sea!

Sany Heavy Industry: Depth of China Economic Weekly! China's Intelligent Manufacturing Standard Sails to Sea!

November 17, 2022

October 31,The official website of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology announced the pilot demonstration list of the integration of new generation information technology and manufacturing industry in 2022.,With its innovative practice and leading strength in digital transformation,Sany Group was successfully selected as the first batch“Digital navigation”Enterprise,Regain“National brand name”Identified。

Also in October,World Economic Forum(WEF)A new list of 11 lighthouse factories in the global manufacturing sector was released.,China's Sany Heavy Industry Changsha No.18 Factory and Other 5 Factories on the List,Among,Sany Heavy Industry Changsha No.18 Factory is the successor of Sany Heavy Industry Beijing Pile Machine Factory.,The second certified lighthouse plant in the global heavy industry。

“Lighthouse factory”Selected by the World Economic Forum in Davos and McKinsey Consulting,Be known as“The most advanced factory in the world”,Yes“Digital manufacturing”And“Globalization 4.0”A demonstrator,It represents the highest level of intelligent manufacturing and digitalization in the field of global manufacturing.。

The industry believes,The completion of Lighthouse Factory No.18,It marks that Sany Heavy Industry has won the first chance in the fourth industrial revolution.,To“Lighthouse Enterprise”Step forward,And is expected to lead China's construction machinery industry to become “Lighthouse industry”Go global。

Hou Wenhao, global managing partner of McKinsey, said.,The five selected Chinese lighthouse enterprises were not evaluated for the first time.。On these factories.,Can more or less see his predecessor.“Sisters”Best Practices in the Lighthouse Plant。These enterprises can be selected again.,It shows that they have formed a set of standardized transformation organization mechanism.,Continuous promotion in iterative optimization“Lighthouse”Best practices。

The other day,Sany Group Holds a Meeting to Study, Publicize and Implement the Spirit of the 20th National Congress of the CPC,Sany Group Chairman Liang Wengen said.,The company will continue to cultivate advanced equipment manufacturing industry.,Fully implement digitalization、Internationalization、Electrification strategy,Make every effort to build a new energy industry“The second curve”,With a stronger spirit of historical initiative,Join China's journey from a manufacturing power to a manufacturing power。


“The Smartest Factory Building”How to make it?

March 13, 2018,Liang Wengen proposed to“Or turn over,Or capsize”Determined to promote the digital transformation of Sany。

Same year,Sany Heavy Industry Changsha No.18 Factory took the lead in starting the construction of Lighthouse Factory,Take the first step to explore the transformation of intelligent manufacturing。The completed Changsha No.18 factory covers an area of 100,000 square meters.,It is the first batch of intelligent manufacturing pilot demonstration factories of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology.,By《The Wall Street Journal》Reputed as“Here lies the blueprint of China's future industry.”。

Early November,The reporter walked into the No.18 factory in Changsha.:The huge workshop is quiet.,The grounds are spotless,Workers operate the robot skillfully on the operating platform.,The perfect combination of power and beauty.。There are only a few workers in the factory.,Instead, there are more computer screens and robots for all types of work.。

Sany Heavy Industry Changsha No.18 Factory, which was certified by Lighthouse Factory,,There's another label.——“The Smartest Factory Building”,It is the largest intelligent manufacturing workshop in Asia。This July,Sany Heavy Industry quilt《MIT Technology Review》Selected as the year“50 Smart Companies”,Become the only listed enterprise in China's construction machinery industry。

How to define“The Smartest Factory Building”?Director of Sany Group、CEO and chief engineer Yi Xiaogang said.,“Anything a computer can do.,No one is allowed to do it.”。

Wen Weizhi, Director of Intelligent Manufacturing Technology Institute of Sany Heavy Industry Pump Road Business Department《China Economic Weekly》For example, the reporter said,Take the unmanned blanking link of Changsha No.18 Factory as an example.,Because the production of construction machinery is large structural parts.,A piece of structure weighs several tons.,It was unthinkable to realize automatic transshipment in the past.。Past,This process can only rely on manual labor.“Lifting gantry”Finish,Not only is the labor intensity high,The efficiency is also relatively low.。Especially,Robotic automatic welding of large structural parts needs to be accurate to 0..Within 5 mm,That's quite a challenge.。In the process of promoting the intellectualization of Changsha No.18 factory,,Through continuous exploration, the team,Try a little bit,Let the robot load and unload automatically、Sorting、Pair up、Welding and other technologies have achieved breakthroughs.。

Yi Xiaogang introduced,Compared with that before transformation,The overall automation rate of Changsha No.18 Factory has increased by 76%,Up to 263 models can be produced。2021,The per capita output value of No.18 factory is 1471.130,000 yuan,Benefit per square meter 15.40,000 yuan,The two core data are the global heavy industry.“Lighthouse pole”。

In addition to the intellectualization of the process flow、Digitize,Sany Heavy Industry is also digitalizing internally.“Language”。

Accepted by Peng Congcong, Head of Turntable Welding Team of Sany Heavy Industry《China Economic Weekly》Reporter interview said,In the past, a large number of welders were engaged in welding work on the front line.,Now they have learned how to do robot work.,Some people can do simple programming.。The intensity of work has been reduced a lot.,Safety risks at work are also eliminated.,“Our grass-roots technicians can achieve one specialty and many abilities.,It has a sense of value realization.,Communicate with peers every time,They all cast envious glances at our posts.”。

According to Peng Congcong,Sany internally encourages all staff to learn robot manipulation,Employees who learn this skill can be rewarded with 10,000 yuan.,Wages can be increased by one step.,So employees are very enthusiastic about learning robots.。Many employees in key positions have also become senior robot operation instructors.,Workers' skills have been greatly improved.,Sany's overall intelligent factory operation level has also been greatly improved.。

Pump Road Division of Sany Heavy Industry,Liu Wenlong, who was born in the 1980s, is on the table.《Online》《Smart Business》《DAMA》Wait for books。At the moment,The whole group is focusing on data architecture.、Data mining and other aspects of knowledge as learning requirements,All employees are required to process data.、Have a unified understanding of data architecture and other knowledge。

Yi Xiaogang said,Starting from 2020, the whole staff will be organized to learn robot operation skills.,To learn about organizational data architecture this year.,The original intention of the management of Sany is to do this work.,Keep pushing forward“Digitalization、Electrification、Internationalization”Strategic landing,Unify the understanding of the whole staff、Unified digital language,Lay out the new track,Build Sany into a pioneer of intelligent manufacturing、A data-driven company。

Sany digitalization has been integrated into all aspects of production management.。Liu Wenlong showed reporters that he was the general manager of Changsha Company in the business department.“Digital portrait”:Intelligent through independent production line control technology,Liu Wenlong's Pump Road Division is responsible for the production of steel inventory.,From cost control to final delivery,The whole process is presented in a digital table.。

Liu Wenlong told 《China Economic Weekly》Reporter,These digital portraits are based on real-time data feedback from more than 1500 cameras and other data acquisition tools in the factory.,It can fully reflect the progress and efficiency of the work in hand.,Indicators that fail to meet the standards will be marked with red warning.。“Digital systems drive production、Dispatch、Administration、Plan and supply chain to achieve synergy,Truly realize the data drive of the whole value chain,Realize the intelligent management of production process。”


“Lighthouse factory”Enabling,Smooth through the cycle

It is in the construction machinery industry with strong periodicity.,Liang Wengen said,Digitalization is the magic weapon to cross the cycle.。

Introduced by experts in the industry,Construction machinery is a typical discrete manufacturing.,Industry needs a lot of people during the boom,Downturns often require controlling the number of personnel。This results in high manufacturing costs.,Slow market response。When the market demand rises,Production capacity can not keep up;When the production capacity comes up,Market demand may have passed.。

After the preliminary completion of intelligent manufacturing transformation,Sany Changsha No.18 Factory was quite calm before the market fluctuation.。“After the completion of intelligent manufacturing transformation in the future,Trinity can get rid of the cycle constraints.。”Yi Xiaogang said,Facing the depressed market of construction machinery industry,Factories don't need to lay off workers.,It only needs to optimize and improve logistics cost and efficiency.,Cultivate one's own internal strength;When the industry peak season comes.,You don't need to hire people.,Just start the machine,The production capacity will come up.。

Wen Wei said:“Through intelligent manufacturing,The manufacturing cost of SANY can also reach 20%A decline,This makes our products more competitive.。At a very low cost、Excellent quality、Aim at extremely high human efficiency,Practice internal skills,We can get through the cycle smoothly.,Consolidate the foundation to meet the next rising cycle。”

In addition,Liang Wengen mentioned it many times at the internal meeting.:“Let our employees be more‘Valuable’,More money。”

Peng Congcong was particularly impressed by this sentence.。

Peng Congcong told reporters,Transforming from a simple welder to learn new skills of robot programming,His heart beat at first.——Can you adapt to the new position?,Can the transformation be successful??“With the deepening of programming learning and familiarity with operating equipment,The machinery and equipment we operate are also constantly upgraded.,People are getting more and more relaxed,Now welding mainly depends on the machine.。We are now more than just a welder.,It is a versatile person on the front line of business.。”

From the specific indicators of efficiency,The cutting and sorting of Sany steel plates are completely handed over to the owner 3.DVisualAIRobot,Accuracy up to 1 mm、The cycle time is reduced by 60%、Material waste reduced by nearly half。Collaborative research of process engineers and skilled workers,So that that weld process of the turret robot can be greatly optimize,The production cycle of a single set is shortened by about 75%,Overall Productivity Improves 34%,The production of the welding island is realized.、Stable production。

Wen Wei said frankly,Through the establishment of intelligent manufacturing training system and offline training base,Over 60%Employees are transformed into intelligent manufacturing talents.,And through the application of robots and automation equipment.,The role of workers has changed from operating equipment to commanding and guarding equipment.。The value of employees has increased.,Sany's production cycle and per capita output value have also been greatly improved.。Take pumping as an example.,By comparing the indicators before and after the completion of the lighthouse factory, it is found that:Per capita output value increased by 127 percent%;Production lead time reduced by 51 percent.6%;The proportion of manufacturing costs per unit of output value decreased by 43 percent%。

Yi Xiaogang revealed,Before and after the transformation of lighthouse factory intelligent manufacturing,The number of workers on the production line of Changsha No.18 Factory has decreased by nearly 2./3;Production capacity has doubled.,Lighthouse factory originally produced more than 400 sets of equipment per month, and its monthly production capacity has increased to more than 900 sets.,The benefits brought by intelligent manufacturing are very obvious.。

At present,Sany's sales amounted to 172 billion yuan.,More than double the peak of the previous cycle;Many front-line workers become robot operators.,Never again“A dusty face”,Command with just a dot on the screen,There is sorting、Welding、AGVWait for the robot to do most of the dirty work.、Hard work、Heavy work。

Yi Xiaogang said,Sany Group is accelerating the transformation of digital intelligence,The company proposed“Three Three Strategies”,I hope to use 3000 workers in the future.、30000 engineers,Achieve sales of 300 billion yuan。


Director of Sany Group、Executive President and Chief Engineer Yi Xiaogang

SANY Intelligent Manufacturing Standard“Sail out”

“Sany Intelligent Manufacturing Experience can Be Imported to European and American Markets,Surprise many competitors.。Some Construction Machinery Giants Come to Sany,Look at our level of intelligent manufacturing.,They were all stunned.。Now there are still high labor costs in the European and American markets.,As a result, its international competitiveness is weak.。Through‘Lighthouse factory’Output of intelligent manufacturing experience,We should use the advantages of low cost and high efficiency to build core competitiveness in the international market.。”Yi Xiaogang told《China Economic Weekly》Reporter。

On the morning of August 15th,Trinity Indonesia“Lighthouse factory”The first one producedSY215CKDThe excavator is off the production line,It marks the first overseas construction machinery industry in China.“Lighthouse factory”Completed and put into production,It opens the process of Sany Intelligent Manufacturing Standard going to sea.。

Walk into the factory,Robotic Iron Arm Waving,AGVThe trolley moves quickly between the production line and the warehouse,Nearly 10000 square meters of production area to achieve a high degree of man-machine collaboration。At present,The factory has been preliminarily assembled.、Logistics、Full network connection and unmanned production of 12 main processes such as debugging,This is the first time in overseas manufacturing of Chinese enterprises.。

“Up to industrial software and every data,Down to the production equipment and every screw.,Indonesia‘Lighthouse factory’Full reference to Chinese standards。”Ding Shifeng Xiang, Head of Indonesian Factory《China Economic Weekly》The reporter said,“This factory integrates more than 40 Sany factories in China.‘Lighthouse factory’The core results of,This is the first overseas systematic export of intelligent manufacturing in China's construction machinery industry.。”

Indonesia“Lighthouse factory”Industrial big data collected by nearly 1000 collection points,Spanning more than 3000 kilometers,Interconnect with domestic SANY global production control center and tree root“Root cloud”Platform real-time data interconnection,For each process、Every model,Even each tool matches the strongest computing power.,Optimize takt time。

According to introduction,Changsha No.18 Lighthouse Factory has invested 500 million yuan in total.、Breakthroughs in 55 key technologies、Overcome thousands of difficult problems,The practical experience of lighthouse factory has been formed.;Many of its original technical solutions have been rapidly promoted in 45 other factories of Sany Group.,4062 missions were supported、100000 person-time learning exchanges,Realize the spillover of digital intelligence capability。

According to Xiang Wenbo, chairman of Sany Heavy Industry.,At present,Sany 46 digital transformation factories are taking advantage of the cutting-edge technology of the fourth industrial revolution.,Build a blueprint for smart factories,Expanding Intelligent Manufacturing to the Upstream and Downstream Links of the Industrial Chain。

At the moment,Trinity“Lighthouse factory”Intelligent manufacturing standards not only successfully go to sea,It is also exporting to the upstream and downstream of the industry.,Provide data interconnection transformation experience for partners and suppliers,Provide intelligent manufacturing upgrade services for customers at the supply chain end。

Yi Xiaogang said:“Now there is an endless stream of institutions and enterprises visiting Changsha No.18 Factory every day.,We are willing to export SANY's digital experience and ideas.。We need to be open.,Let more partners and upstream and downstream suppliers truly see the results of Sany's cost reduction and efficiency enhancement through intelligent manufacturing.,Encourage suppliers to join the trend of intelligent manufacturing。Sany carries out digital transformation cooperation with suppliers and other partners,Help them improve their efficiency、Reduce costs、Improve quality,Pass the economic cycle of the industry smoothly,This has virtually enhanced their competitiveness.。The picture we have sketched is that:Work with partners to get through the upstream and downstream supply chain,Form the industrial ecosphere of intelligent manufacturing。”

“We predict,In the future, the whole Chinese manufacturing industry may become large-scale.、Centralization、Develop in the direction of specialization。”Yi Xiaogang said frankly,Future,Technology expansion and experience sharing through the global lighthouse factory network,Sany will focus on smart products、Intelligent manufacturing、Digital transformation of intelligent operation,Strive to become the benchmark of intelligent manufacturing in the global construction machinery industry。

(This article is published in《China Economic Weekly》Issue 21, 2022,《China Economic Weekly》Reporter Guo Zhiqiang | Reporting from Hunan)


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