Zhonglian Youth in People's Daily Overseas Edition! Surge, back wave!

Zhonglian Youth in People's Daily Overseas Edition! Surge, back wave!

November 21, 2022

In order to thoroughly implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions and instructions to Hunan's important speeches,It comprehensively reflects the development process and latest achievements of Hunan's manufacturing industry.,Vice President of China Reportage Society、Winner of the Lu Xun Literature Award、Ji Hongjian, a writer, created a long documentary reportage.《Made in a big country》,Among them, the course of Zhonglian Heavy Branch's struggle for innovation and the achievements of high-quality development are written in a strong and colorful way.。November 17,《People's Daily Overseas Edition》Published《Made in a big country》Excerpt《Surge the waves behind》,It shows the story of Huang Hongbing, a young craftsman of Zoomlion.“The back waves are surging”Elegance。The following is the full text of the report。

▲《People's Daily》Overseas edition reports

Huang Hongbing is a young welder in the structural parts factory of Zoomlion Concrete Pumping Machinery Branch.,Participated on behalf of the Company for the first time in 2018“Jiake Cup”Won the third prize in the International Welding Competition;2019,Won“Lugu Craftsman”Title;Rated in 2020“Model worker of Changsha High-tech Zone”;Won the Changsha City in 2021“Baiyou craftsman”Title、Honors such as outstanding employees of the group company。Let's look at his story.!

“After work,I like reading best.。In addition to looking at welding expertise,I also like to read novels.,In particular《The ordinary world》,I watched it twice.,Every time I see it, I shed a tear.。We should read this book after 2000.,Work hard,There is only struggle in life,To be extraordinary.。”

Huang Hongbing, Key Weld Craftsman and Model Worker of Concrete Pumping Machinery Branch of Zoomlion Heavy Industry Science and Technology Co., Ltd.,A slight figure,A green smile,All consistent with his age.,But his words surprised me.,Beyond his years.。

▲Zoomlion“After 00”Young craftsman Huang Hongbing

August 2000,Huang Hongbing and his twin brother were born deep in the mountains of Leiyang, Hengyang.。Grandpa said,The Communist Party founded a new China.,Divide the land for them.,I hope the two brothers will join the army and serve the country when they grow up.,Follow the Communist Party,So they were named Red Army and Red Soldier.。When the twins were 8 years old.,Dad who digs coal in the coal mine because of an accident.,Both legs were injured and disabled.。The burden of the family is on my mother.。Gradually,The two brothers are sensible.,They helped their families plough the fields.、Transplanting rice seedlings、Harvest the rice,Use winter and summer vacation to sell water in Changsha、Selling cotton candy,In order to lighten the family burden.。

2015,The two brothers graduated from junior high school.,They were all admitted to high school.。“Little brother,You go to high school.,I'm going to work,Mom and I put you through school.。”Brother said。“Nope,Elder Brother,You go to high school.,I don't want to go.,I'm going to work。”Said the younger brother。

Look at two sensible sons.,Mom and dad are very sad.。The cousin who works in Changsha said when he learned about it.:“Why don't you two brothers go to a secondary vocational school in Changsha?,Learn a skill,It's good to find a job,Earn money early。”

Therefore,Huang Hongbing and his brother were admitted to Changsha High-tech Engineering School.。The family can't afford the tuition.,They can only go to school on one side.,While trying to earn tuition and living expenses.。Every weekend or holiday,They will sell mineral water to tourists near Meixi Lake in Changsha.、Cotton candy,Or rent a bike,Earn living expenses and tuition fees。To study and live.,They come in the wind.、Go in the rain,I suffered a lot.,But it also tempers the will.。Huang Hongbing was originally introverted.,Afraid to talk to strangers.,But in order to sell the goods,,He had to communicate with strangers with a smile.。

Huang Hongbing originally majored in numerical control processing.,Every time he passed the construction site, he saw the flash of welding flowers.,I think it's very novel,There is an inexplicable yearning for welding.。Later, the school formed a welding interest group.,Both he and his brother signed up.。Very soon,Huang Hongbing shows welding talent,The welded plate looks presentable.,Highly appreciated by the teacher.。

Of course,His talent is more watered by sweat.。Except for class,Whenever he has time, he spends time in the training room and the welder's room.,From morning till night,He practiced for more than 10 hours.。A summer of thirty-eight or nine degrees,“Heavily armed”Huang Hongbing sweated like rain in the hot welding room.。High temperature、Roast、Noise、Pungent dust、A strong arc……To practice a movement.,He often squats for hours.。Once,The other students went back to sleep.,He was the only one left to practice overtime.。Later, I was too sleepy.,He just lay on the edge and slept for a while.,I didn't expect to sleep all night.。Something I don't understand.,He asked the teacher for advice.,Or get inspiration from books.。Because it's too dirty and tired.,In addition to the roasting of high temperature,A strong arc,Pungent dust,Intense smoke,There were times when he backed out.,But in the end, he persevered.。

Once,Teacher Sun Quanqiang taught him to weld a piece of welding rod upside down.,The welding flower fell into Mr. Sun's collar.。Look at this scene.,Huang Hongbing felt heartache.,But Mr. Sun acted as if nothing had happened.,Weld with aplomb,Burn out the welding rod all the way.。Huang Hongbing asked Mr. Sun in surprise.,The welding spatter fell on you. Why didn't you move??Teacher Sun said,It has to be,Otherwise, the weld will fail。Later, every time I encountered such a situation.,He always thinks of Mr. Sun.。

School“Promote competition by competition、Promote training by competition、Promote learning by practicing”The model has greatly improved Huang Hongbing's skill level.。Under the guidance of a teacher,Huang Hongbing 2016、In 2017, he won the first prize of Changsha Welding Skills Competition for two consecutive years.,And won excellent results in the provincial competition.。“I'm only 17.,Just work hard,Sooner or later, he will become a great person in the eyes of others.。”This is his heroic words when he was 17 years old.。

Huang Hongbing has been full of yearning for Zoomlion.,At school.,Whenever I pass by the Zoomlion factory in Lugu Industrial Park,,He always looks at the door for a long time.。He thinks it's big inside.、Very advanced,All modern machinery.。“If only I could work here in the future.!”He thought to himself.。Later,He and his brother were lucky enough to come to Zoomlion for an internship.。The squad leader saw that Huang Hongbing was small.,Let him go to the forearm class.。

The masters soon found out.,Although Huang Hongbing is small.,But studious.,The understanding is also good。Disciples love to learn,Shifu loves to teach。Master Liu Zan taught him how to weld by hand.,Tan Yong, a master welder, praised him.,He also took him to various welding competitions.。What's more,,He has a deeper understanding of welding.。Huang Hongbing once saw the book write.:“When you give 10,000 hours for one thing,You will also be the top in this field.。”This passage is deeply engraved in his mind.。To further enhance skills,He was eager to learn from his masters.,Work hard in practice.。In the forearm squad.,Huang Hongbing is always the first to come.,The last one to go.,He worked for more than 10 hours.,He's like a sponge.,Constantly absorb welding skills in the new environment of Zoomlion,Try to grow。

After a period of training,Huang Hongbing, who is still an intern, has made his mark.,In Zoomlion“Craftsman's Cup”The newcomer won the first prize in the welding skills competition.。The young man is on fire.,There is light in the eyes,Strive to run on the road of pursuing skills。

When I graduated from technical secondary school,Huang Hongbing passed the single enrollment with excellent results.,He was admitted to a college in Hunan.。Although he is particularly eager to read.,But the thought of a disabled father、A mother who put up with all kinds of hardships、Old Grandparents,I changed my mind.,With my brother,Officially came to work in Zoomlion.。The two brothers urged each other.,Discuss welding difficulties during breaks and after work,Improve the skill level together。

Huang Hongbing came to the forearm class of the concrete pumping machinery branch of the internship.,Mainly responsible for the butt welding of the boom at the key parts of the pump truck。Become a regular employee of Zoomlion,He was more proud.,The responsibility is greater.,They are also more demanding of themselves.。Butt welding is the second process in the production of small arms.,ProceedXRadiography is the most difficult.。I'm afraid I don't understand.,Huang Hongbing specially gave me a popular science.:It's like having an X-ray of a broken hand.,The welds they welded also need to be photographed.,No more than two single air holes are allowed.,Unfused welds shall not exceed 2 mm,Otherwise, it is not qualified.。If the welding is not in place,If the material is different,It will crack。

As soon as I have time,Huang Hongbing will also go to Master Tan Yong's studio to discuss the practical solution of butt welding with the technical backbone.,Keep learning and make progress.。Tan Yong taught him to adjust the current and voltage parameters to the best.,Detail by detail, teach him how to weld.,Weld very evenly,Make sure that no cracks occur。Huang Hongbing knows,The qualified rate should be guaranteed,Except for the need for scientific craftsmanship.,It also requires exquisite technology.。After a long time of effort,The part he welded.XRadiographic inspection qualification rate per month 99%Above,This pass rate is not a height that can be easily reached.,Preparation before welding、Assemble、Welding、Cut the run-on tab、Grinding,Every step is very important to the quality of the pump truck boom after forming.。A cantilever welding plate weighing hundreds of kilograms,Normally, two people can work together to burn more than 20.,But Huang Hongbing burned 40 at most when he was alone.,So-called“Those who are crazy about art must be good at it”,Such high efficiency can not be separated from his diligence and the strength of his skills.。

Huang Hongbing is not only skilled.,He often helps new employees or colleagues solve practical difficulties.,Method for correcting error operation。He is not very old.,Accumulate a lot of experience.,In a workshop with a flickering arc,The young craftsman radiated his energy like a flame.。

Once,There's a new polisher at the workstation.。“Master worker,Your welding skills are really good.!”New employees expressed envy.。

“Why not learn to be a welder??”Huang Hongbing asked。

“It's good to be a welder.,But I'm worried that when I'm a welder, I'm often exposed to high temperatures.,Have an effect on the body。”The new employee said。

Huang Hongbing smiled,Say:“Such problems did exist before.,Because the welding is sub-arc welding.,There's some radioactive material in there.。But now technology is more and more developed.,The working environment is good.,Technology and technology are also advanced.,There is no such damage to people.。Next step,We Zhonglian will move to the Smart Industry City.,At that time, it will basically be robot welding.。”

“Really?Can I learn welding from you??”“Yes, of course。”Therefore,New employees learn from Huang HongbingXButt weld。After two months of hard practice.,The new employee passed the company smoothly.XButt welding examination,Got itXButt welding operation certificate。

Because the technology is excellent,Huang Hongbing often supports other teams.,On a business trip to Xinjiang、Overcoming technical problems in Anhui。Slowly he understood.,The stage of welders is not only in Zhonglian.,It's not just in the factory.,But in all places where welding technology is required.。

No pains, no gains.。2018,He participated on behalf of Zoomlion.“Jiake Cup”Won the third prize in the International Welding Skills Competition;2019,Participated on behalf of Zoomlion“Jiake Cup”Excellent Award in International Welding Skills Competition,And get“Lugu Craftsman Cup”Second place;2020,Evaluated“Model worker of Changsha High-tech Zone”,Get“Lugu Craftsman Cup”First place;2021,Won the Changsha City“Baiyou craftsman”、Branch officeCKind of talents,Excellent employees of the group company。Especially in 2018.“Jiake Cup”The match scene,Huang Hongbing is a dark horse.,Stand out from 388 good welders,Won the third prize。“Jiake Cup”Known as the welding industry“The World Cup”,This event is a world-class skill competition with high gold content.。At that time,He is 18 years old。

August 2021,He submitted his application for Party membership to the Party organization.,Become an activist of joining the Party。

“How are things at home??”I asked。“Dad's feet can walk on the ground.,It just doesn't go very far.,I can't work.。”Huang Hongbing said with a smile.,“He can enjoy a happy life without working.。”

Huang Hongbing told me,He and his brother worked together to build a three-storey building at home.,Now the first and second floors have been decorated.,There will be extra money later.,And decorate the third floor.。Huang Hongbing himself plans to buy a house in Changsha.,Is the down payment enough?,He thinks he will have a girlfriend in the future.,She should be given a warm home.,A stable life.。

What moved me was that,Face the glory,Young Huang Hongbing said.:“Although along the way.,Learned some techniques.,Got some credit.,But that only represents my past.。Face the future,I still need to keep refueling.,One storey higher up you have to climb to see.,In particular, we should pass on the skills in our hands.。”

“What dreams do you have??”I asked。“Later,I want to be a national technical expert.,Become a person like Tan Yong, a welding master,Open a master studio of your own,Bring out more excellent talents!”Huang Hongbing said,“Today is April,I went to Alar, Korla, Xinjiang.。A few‘After 00’My little brother saw me solve the welding problem on the spot.,Very envious,All want to learn welding from me.。”

Although young,But I could see it in his eyes.“Sense of crisis”。When I learned that the company's smart industry city project was launched,,Huang Hongbing is busy with his work.,He began to teach himself numerical control programming and practical operation methods.,Reserve knowledge in advance,Keep up with the pace of intelligent manufacturing。

Huang Hongbing said,In his definition.,Youth is a flying welding flower.,Shining、Boiling,Under the protective mask was his burning gaze.。

I think of the Youth Manifesto film broadcast on CCTV.《Back wave》。“Because of you,The world will like China better.,Because the most beautiful scenery in a country,The young people of this country.。”

Look up,The young man in front of me makes me respect him.。I wish him the best,Surge,Back wave!


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