Playback: Press Conference on the Progress of the Three-year Action for the Reform of State-owned Enterprises in Guangxi

Playback: Press Conference on the Progress of the Three-year Action for the Reform of State-owned Enterprises in Guangxi

November 30, 2022

Information Office of the People's Government of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region on November 29(Tuesday)10:00,A press conference was held in the Guangxi Press Release Hall on the progress of the three-year reform of state-owned enterprises in Guangxi.,Invite the deputy director of the autonomous region SASAC、Spokesman Li Zhenjie,Tang Aibin, deputy director of the SASAC of the autonomous region, introduced the progress of the three-year reform of state-owned enterprises in Guangxi.,And answer questions from reporters.。The press conference was presided over by Wei Xiang, deputy director of the Information Office of the Autonomous Region Government.。

Press conference on the progress of the three-year reform of state-owned enterprises in Guangxi

Time:November 29, 2022(Tuesday)10:00

Location:Guangxi Press Release Hall, 112 Minzu Avenue, Nanning City


Li Zhenjie   Deputy Director of the SASAC of the Autonomous Region、Press spokesman

Tang Aibin   Deputy Director of the SASAC of the Autonomous Region


Wei   Xiang   Deputy Director of the Information Office of the Autonomous Region Government



Wei   Xiang:



Good morning!Welcome to the press conference of the Information Office of the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Government.。Since this year,The system of state-owned enterprises in the whole region has thoroughly studied and implemented General Secretary Xi Jinping's important expositions on the reform and development of state-owned enterprises and Party building.,Conscientiously implement the Party committees of the Central Committee and the Autonomous Region、Government decision-making and deployment,Under the direct leadership of the Leading Group for the Reform of State-owned Enterprises in the Autonomous Region,Focus on the key points、Overcome difficulties,A series of new and significant progress has been made in the three-year reform of state-owned enterprises.。

To help you better understand the situation,Today, we are very pleased to invite the deputy director of the SASAC of the autonomous region.、Mr. Li Zhenjie, Press Spokesperson,He was asked to brief you on the situation and answer questions from reporters.。Also present at today's press conference was Mr. Tang Aibin, deputy director of the SASAC of the autonomous region.。

First of all, I would like to invite Mr. Li Zhenjie to make an introduction.。


Li Zhenjie:


Friends from the press,Ladies、Gentlemen:

Good morning, everyone!It's a great pleasure to meet friends from the media.。Today, we are here to hold a press conference on the progress of the three-year reform of state-owned enterprises in Guangxi.,It mainly introduces the completion of the three-year action task of the reform of state-owned enterprises in Guangxi.。First,On behalf of the SASAC of the Autonomous Region, I would like to express my sincere thanks to all journalists for their concern, support and assistance to the reform and development of state-owned enterprises in Guangxi.!Below,I would like to brief you on the situation.。

This year is the closing year of the three-year action of state-owned enterprise reform.。The system of state-owned enterprises in the whole region has fully implemented General Secretary Xi Jinping's important expositions on the reform and development of state-owned enterprises and Party building.,In the Party Committee of the Autonomous Region、Under the leadership of the government,Anchor the target、Overcome difficulties,Make full efforts、Breakthrough in key areas,Significant progress has been made in the three-year reform campaign.。So far,The 191 reform tasks of the three-year action plan for the reform of state-owned enterprises in Guangxi have been fully completed.。The results of the reform are mainly reflected in the following six aspects.。

One、The modern enterprise system with Chinese characteristics is more mature and stereotyped

Sixteen district-level enterprise groups and important sub-enterprises supervised by the SASAC of the autonomous region,Party committees have been formulated in an all-round way.(Party group)Pre-study and discuss the list of major business management matters,Party Committee(Party group)“Take the direction、Take care of the big picture、Promote implementation”Strong demonstration of leadership role。Enterprises at all levels have fully realized the establishment of the board of directors.,Full complement of external directors,Achieve a majority of outside directors。The board of directors at the enterprise group level shall establish and improve the rules of procedure for the board of directors and special committees.,External directors shall join the special committees according to their professional expertise and serve as chairmen or members.,Make sure the board“Set a strategy、Make a decision、Risk prevention”Functional role in place。The district-level enterprises that have established the board of directors have formulated a comprehensive management system of authorization from the board of directors to the managers.,Support managers to go all out“Seek business、Grasp the implementation、Strong management”。Guangzhou Investment Group、Ronggui Logistics Group、Three enterprises including Liuzhou Wuling Automobile were selected by the SASAC of the State Council“Model Enterprise of Corporate Governance”。

Two、The strategic supporting role of state-owned economy is more prominent.

Through the implementation of the three-year action of state-owned enterprise reform,The distribution structure of state-owned capital has been further optimized.,State-owned enterprises are fulfilling their economic responsibilities.、Political responsibility、Responsibility for people's livelihood“Three responsibilities”Show new responsibilities and new actions.。Become the ballast stone of steady economic growth,This year 1-October,The enterprises supervised by the SASAC of the autonomous region have completed fixed assets investment of 144.5 billion yuan.,Year-on-year growth of 13.7%,It is estimated that more than 180 billion yuan will be completed throughout the year.,The total investment reached the highest level in the same period in history.;The total industrial output value is 273.7 billion yuan.,Accounting for 14% of the whole region%。Become the main force in building a new development pattern,State-owned enterprises directly under the district have built a total of 5800 kilometers of expressway.,80% of the total area%,Construction of 3925 kilometers of railway,70% of the total area%;Nanning International Airport Comprehensive Transportation Hub Project Constructed by Airport Group(GTC)Completed and put into operation,Nanning Airport's International Air Cargo and Postal Throughput Exceeds 60,000 Tons,Year-on-year growth of 261%;Beibu Gulf Port ranks among the top ten ports in China,Sea-rail intermodal transport 7000 trains、Container throughput 7 million TEUs“Double seven”The goal is going well。Take the lead in ensuring and improving people's livelihood,1-October,Taxes and fees paid by state-owned enterprises in the region 269.9.2 billion yuan,Year-on-year growth of 1.35%;The number of employees in state-owned enterprises reached 300,000.,Year-on-year growth of 2.99%;Accumulated rent reduction and exemption for state-owned enterprises 3.3.5 billion yuan,The reduction and exemption of expressway tolls is about 700 million yuan.。


Li Zhenjie:

Three、The independent innovation capability of enterprises has been significantly enhanced.

To formulate two plans for promoting the three-year action of high-quality development of state-owned enterprises and the three-year action of scientific and technological innovation.,Implementing high-quality development“Six major actions”And technological innovation“Six major projects”,Establish and improve“Recommended by SASAC、Review by industry department、Project territorial management”Project promotion mechanism,Make every effort to promote enterprises to increase R & D investment,Promoting scientific and technological innovation and development。This year 1-October,The Commission supervises the R & D expenditure of enterprises 71.500 million yuan,Year-on-year growth of 4.4%,The R & D expenditure of enterprises accounts for more than half of the total R & D expenditure of the whole society in the region.。Pingnan Third Bridge built by Beijing Investment Group Co., Ltd. won the gold medal of China Steel Structure,Liugong Owim prestress anchorage,Yuchai Group Guoliu Engine,High-end aviation aluminum processed by GuangTou Nanyang Aluminum、High-performance aluminum alloy composite material for automobile,Beibu Gulf Huaxi Group Indium TinITOMajor scientific and technological achievements such as high-end targets are leading at home and abroad.。Intelligent steel technology of Liuzhou Iron and Steel Group won the second prize of National Science and Technology Progress in 2020,Automobile Group Block Chain Automobile Innovation Project Selected as Top Ten Excellent Cases in China,Yuchai Huayuan was selected as National Specialization, Specialization and Innovation“Little giant”Enterprise,Six enterprises such as Liugong Stock Co., Ltd. were awarded state-level innovative enterprises.。The implementation of science and technology reform demonstration action has achieved remarkable results.,Promote 9 enterprises to be selected as national science and technology reform demonstration enterprises,The number ranks third in the national provincial SASAC.,Twenty-two science and technology reform demonstration enterprises have become the model of state-owned enterprise reform and the vanguard of scientific and technological innovation.。

Four、Deepening and expanding the reform of market-oriented operation mechanism

Guohong Group took the lead in completing the tenure system and contractual management of managers at the group level,Enterprises at all levels directly under the district level have signed tenure contracts with members of the management level.,Full coverage of tenure system and contractual management of managers,Market-oriented recruitment rate of enterprise employees reaches 100%。Come out《Detailed Rules for the Implementation of the Excess Profit Sharing Mechanism》《Guidelines for the Application Procedures and Submission Materials for the Implementation of Equity or Dividend Incentives in State-owned Science and Technology Enterprises》。Formulate《Implementation Plan for Deepening the Reform of Mixed Ownership of State-owned Enterprises in the Region》,Promote Liugong Group、Construction Engineering Group Completes Mixed Reform,In April this year, Liugong's main business was listed as a whole.。

Five、The efficiency of state-owned assets supervision has been continuously improved

General Office of the Autonomous Region Party Committee、Issued by the Government Office《Some Opinions on Strengthening and Improving the Supervision and Management of State-owned Assets of Enterprises》,It puts forward clear requirements for the supervision and management of state-owned assets from the overall strategic perspective.。It has successively formulated and strengthened the dynamic supervision of special business of enterprises.、Working Rules for Enterprise Major Risk Reporting、Investment Management Measures、Measures for the Administration of Financing Guarantee, etc.,Establish and improve a series of systems for the supervision of state-owned assets。To improve the means of supervision of state-owned assets,Build an online supervision system for state-owned enterprises and a digital supervision system for the operation of enterprise funds,The digitalization is realized、Intelligent supervision of state-owned assets。Carry out the activities of political and legal organs to serve state-owned enterprises,Establish a linkage mechanism between judicial trial and supervision of state-owned assets,To provide a strong guarantee for state-owned enterprises to prevent and resolve major risks。

Six、The Party's leadership and Party building in state-owned enterprises have been further strengthened.

Through the three-year action of state-owned enterprise reform,The Party's overall leadership of state-owned enterprises is more powerful.。Full implementation“The two are consistent”,Strengthening the Party's Leadership in Improving Corporate Governance,Perfect and perfect the regulations of Party building、Pre-list and other systems,Through these systems,Ensure that the leadership of the Party is regulated in the system.、Procedural guarantee、Implemented in practice。Insist on the co-planning of Party building and business work、Same deployment、Same as assessment,Actively promote the standardization of Party building at the grass-roots level、Normalization、Informatization construction,Grass-roots Party organizations in enterprises should be built as much as possible。Carry out the construction of clean state-owned enterprises,Continuously strengthen the construction of Party conduct and clean government and the struggle against corruption in enterprises。

Next step,The system of state-owned enterprises in the whole region will earnestly study and implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the CPC.,We will thoroughly implement General Secretary Xi Jinping's important expositions on the reform and development of state-owned enterprises and Party building.,Speed up making up for shortcomings、Strong and weak items,Solidify the bottom plate、Yang advantage,Ending the three-year action of state-owned enterprise reform with high quality,Unswervingly strengthen, optimize and expand state-owned capital and state-owned enterprises,To Contribute the Strength of State-owned Enterprises to the Construction of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics in the New Era。

Below,Deputy Director Tang Aibin and I discussed the specific issues involved in the three-year reform of state-owned enterprises in Guangxi.,Answer your questions。Thank you!


Wei   Xiang:

Thank you Mr. Li Zhenjie for your introduction.。Let's start asking questions,Please inform the news organization you represent before asking questions.。Raise your hand if you have any questions.。


China Business Daily reporter:Please introduce the main practices of implementing the tenure system and contractual management of managers in state-owned enterprises.,Thank you!


Tang Aibin:


Thank you for your question.。The contractual management of the tenure system of managers is a three-year action of the reform of state-owned enterprises.“Required”And“Signature action”,It is the reform of the three systems of state-owned enterprises.“Bullnose”,The SASAC of the Autonomous Region actively promotes the tenure system and contractual management of managers.,There are three main approaches.:

One is to strengthen top-level design.。Formulate《Work Plan for Implementing Tenure System and Contractual Management in Enterprises Directly under the Autonomous Region》《Wholly owned by enterprises directly under the autonomous region(Holding)Detailed Rules for the Implementation of Tenure System and Contractual Management of Managers in Subsidiaries(Trial)》Wait for the file,Define the task objectives of tenure system and contractual management、Schedule、Road map。Incorporate the tenure system management into the performance appraisal of the person in charge of the enterprise,Compacting the main responsibility of enterprise reform。So far,Autonomous Region SASAC supervises 1406 enterprises at all levels,3922 members of management level(Including professional managers)Already 100%Realize the tenure system and contractual management of managers,Among them, the tenure system and contractual management of managers at the level of district-level enterprise groups are based on the pilot implementation of Guohong Group last year.,The remaining 15 enterprise groups have also been completed.,To achieve multi-level three-dimensional ice-breaking and the implementation of landing。

The second is to achieve normalization.、Normalization、Institutionalized management。Further improve the relevant system and standard text construction,Formulate“An agreement”(That is《Post appointment agreement》),“Two books”(That is《Job description》《Year/Letter of Responsibility for Assessment of Business Performance during the Term of Office》)Standard template,Require enterprises to formulate and improve“Three ways”(That is《Administrative Measures for the Selection and Employment of Managerial Members of Enterprises》《Measures for Performance Management of Managerial Members》And《Management Measures for Remuneration of Managerial Members》),Strengthen the standardized guidance for enterprises to carry out the tenure system and contractual management of managers。At the same time, the contract texts signed by enterprises and managers should be strictly examined.,Enterprises are required to make differentiation according to the members of managers in different positions.、Challenging assessment objectives,Carry out“One person, one watch”Differentiated assessment,Effectively stimulate and mobilize the enthusiasm of managers.。

Third, increase the intensity of rigid implementation.。Promote enterprises to carry out business performance appraisal and comprehensive evaluation in parallel.,Organic combination of annual assessment and tenure assessment,Based on the contents stipulated in the business performance appraisal responsibility statement,Strictly promote the rigid implementation of the agreement on the application of performance appraisal results。Before 2021, 3613 managers of 1284 enterprises that have carried out tenure system and contractual management have completed the 2021 annual assessment and fulfilled the contract.、Rigid exit。


Xinhua News Agency reporter:Since this year,Guangxi's economy is facing complex and severe risks and challenges.,What are the characteristics of the economic operation of state-owned enterprises in Guangxi??


Li Zhenjie:

Thank you for your question.。Since this year,Autonomous Region SASAC earnestly implements the Party Committee of the Autonomous Region、Government decision-making and deployment,Full implementation“The epidemic should be prevented.、The economy needs to be stabilized、Development should be safe”An important requirement,Go all out to do a good job of steady growth,The overall economic operation of enterprises is stable.,Major economic indicators are progressing smoothly.,The following highlights are presented.。

One is assets、The year-on-year growth rate of equity is higher than the national average.。By the end of October,Total Assets of SASAC System in the Region 4.76 trillion yuan,Year-on-year growth of 10.2%,Total owner's equity1.45 trillion yuan,Year-on-year growth of 7.7%。Among,The total assets of state-owned enterprises under the supervision of the SASAC of the autonomous region reached 2..37 trillion yuan,Year-on-year growth of 13.5%,The total owner's equity reached more than 670 billion yuan.,Year-on-year growth of 12.2%。According to the September rankings,The growth rate of total assets of state-owned enterprises under the supervision of the SASAC of the autonomous region is higher than the national average level of provincial-level supervision enterprises..5 percentage points,The total volume and growth rate ranked 10th and 5th respectively.;The growth rate of total owner's equity is higher than the average 0..4 percentage points,The value of state-owned capital has been well maintained and increased.。

Two, investment in fixed assets has reached a record high in the same period.。This year 1-October,The investment in fixed assets of state-owned enterprises in the whole region is 220.1 billion yuan.。Among,State-owned enterprises under the supervision of the SASAC of the autonomous region have invested 144.5 billion yuan in fixed assets.,Year-on-year growth of 13.7%,The total amount of investment reached the highest level in the same period in history.,It is estimated that more than 180 billion yuan will be completed throughout the year.,A new record high.。

Third, export sales reached the best level in history.。The sales revenue of export products of state-owned enterprises in the whole region is 87.3.5 billion yuan,Year-on-year growth of 36.37%。Among,State-owned Enterprises under the Supervision of the SASAC of the Autonomous Region Realize Sales Revenue of Export Products 81.6.3 billion yuan,Year-on-year growth of 31.12%,The best level in history。

Fourth, the fulfillment of social responsibility has achieved remarkable results.。Increase in taxes and fees paid,This year 1-October,Total amount of taxes and fees paid by state-owned enterprises in the region 269.9.2 billion yuan,Year-on-year growth of 1.35%。Among,Autonomous Region SASAC supervises taxes and fees paid by state-owned enterprises 204.300 million yuan,Year-on-year growth of 1%。Stable employment has achieved remarkable results.,Number of employees of state-owned enterprises in the state-owned assets system of the whole region 30.690,000 people,Year-on-year growth of 2.99%。Great efforts have been made to reduce rents and expressway tolls.,State-owned enterprises under the supervision of the SASAC of the Autonomous Region have accumulated rent reduction and exemption 3.3.5 billion yuan,Benefit 9,074 small and micro enterprises and individual businesses。Trading Group、Beijing Investment Group Co., Ltd., about 700 million yuan of tolls were reduced or exempted.。Energy supply is guaranteed in place,According to the deployment of the autonomous region,Guangzhou Investment Group Continues to Do a Good Job in Summer,Heat supply、The sales volume of natural gas increased by 18..32%、28.98%,Higher than the target requirements set at the beginning of the year。


Reporter of Science and Technology Daily:Please introduce the development of Guangxi.“Demonstration action of science reform”The main effect of,Thank you!


Tang Aibin:

Thank you for your question.。The demonstration action of science and technology reform is a special project of state-owned enterprise reform deployed by the leading group of state-owned enterprise reform of the State Council.,It is a market-oriented reform with scientific and technological enterprises as the main body.、Special actions to enhance scientific and technological innovation capabilities。Since 2020,Autonomous Region SASAC solidly promotes market-oriented reform of science and technology reform demonstration enterprises,The vitality of enterprises incorporated into the demonstration action of science and technology reform has been continuously stimulated.,R & D investment intensity is much higher than the average level of the whole region.,The driving role of demonstration has been significantly enhanced.,It has become a model of state-owned enterprise reform and a pioneer of scientific and technological innovation.。

The first is to establish demonstration enterprises of science and technology reform at the national and autonomous region levels.。Since 2020, nine enterprises have been selected as national science and technology reform demonstration enterprises in two batches.,The number ranks third in the national provincial SASAC.。At the same time,Table-checking and standard-checking national standard,Thirteen enterprises were selected as demonstration enterprises of science and technology reform in the autonomous region.。So far,The number of national and autonomous regional science and technology reform demonstration enterprises has reached 22.。

Second, the reform and development of science and technology reform demonstration enterprises have achieved fruitful results.。Deepening market-oriented reform of science and technology reform demonstration enterprises in our region,Focus on improving corporate governance、Market-oriented selection and employment、Strengthen incentive and restraint and other aspects of exploration and innovation.,Make a breakthrough,Take the lead in successfully completing the three-year action target task of state-owned enterprise reform。Road and Bridge Group、Liugong Owim Company has been awarded the national benchmark for two consecutive years.、Excellent Science and Technology Reform Demonstration Enterprise。Science and technology reform demonstration enterprises have achieved remarkable results in scientific and technological innovation and development.,A total of 801 invention patents have been authorized by 22 science and technology reform demonstration enterprises.,The number of invention patents accepted is 1890,36 proprietary technologies,It has 301 high-value invention patents,Presiding over the issuance of 12 national standards,Participated in 54 national standards issued,Participated in the release of 117 industry standards,355 scientific and technological progress awards and technological invention awards at or above the provincial level。This year 1-October,Science and technology reform demonstration enterprises achieved a total operating income of 664.200 million yuan,Growth 8.6%;Realized total profit 29.100 million yuan,Growth 12.1%;Revenue growth、Profit growth、The profit margin of revenue is 12% higher than the average level of state-owned enterprises directly under the district.2、98.2、3.83 percentage points。

Third, science and technology reform demonstration enterprises have become the pioneers of scientific and technological innovation.。2021,Cumulative R & D expenditure of science and technology reform demonstration enterprises in our district 23.300 million yuan,Accounting for 22% of the R & D expenditure of enterprises supervised by the SASAC of the autonomous region%,Accounting for 11% of the total social R & D expenditure in the region.3%;R & D investment intensity reaches 3.31%,1% higher than the average level of state-owned enterprises directly under the district.84 percentage points。There are 5230 professional and technical personnel in 22 science and technology reform demonstration enterprises.,Accounting for 24% of the total number of employees.4%,15 percentage points higher than the average level of the whole region。Complete set of construction technology for long-span arch bridge of Guangxi Road and Bridge Group、Liugong Owim prestressed anchorage and other major scientific and technological achievements are leading in the world.。The innovation of the first set of air cushion furnace project of Nannan Aluminum Processing has realized the localization of core technology and key components in the field of high-end aluminum alloy equipment manufacturing.。Guangxi Huayuan Company was selected as the third batch of national specialized, special and new products“Little giant”Enterprise。Liugong Co., Ltd. and other six science and technology reform demonstration enterprises were awarded state-level innovative enterprises.。Guangxi Road and Bridge Group、Owim Company was awarded the national benchmark respectively、Excellent“Science and Technology Reform Demonstration Enterprise”。

Next step,The SASAC of the Autonomous Region will follow the Party Committee of the Autonomous Region、Government requirements,To formulate and implement the work plan of expanding the scope and improving the quality of the demonstration action of science and technology reform.,Taking Reformable Demonstration Enterprises as an Important Grasp,Vigorously promote the development of scientific and technological innovation of state-owned enterprises in our region。


Nanguo Morning Post reporter:At present, the construction of clean state-owned enterprises is being vigorously promoted.,Please introduce the development of clean state-owned enterprises.,And how the three-year action of the reform of state-owned enterprises in Guangxi and the promotion of the construction of clean state-owned enterprises promote each other.?Thank you。


Li Zhenjie:

Thank you for your question.。The 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China made a new strategic plan to unswervingly and comprehensively govern the Party with strict discipline.,It profoundly clarifies the persistence of not daring to corrupt.、Can't rot、Do not want to corrupt the basic principle of the trinity as a whole.、Strategic focus、Method path,It provides a fundamental guideline for further promoting the construction of clean state-owned enterprises.。This is in line with the measures to strengthen the Party's leadership and Party building in the three-year action plan for the reform of state-owned enterprises in Guangxi.、Integrated propulsion。At present,The construction of clean state-owned enterprises has achieved initial results.。

One is to build firmly.“Root”“Soul”Advantage,Defend“Two establishments”、Do it“Two maintenance”Political firmness、Political consciousness。Continue to carry out in-depth loyalty education for the Party,Deepening political supervision,Push the central government、The decision-making and deployment of the Party Committee of the Autonomous Region has been implemented in state-owned enterprises.,Integrated propulsion“Three are not rotten”,In-depth investigation and punishment“Rely on enterprises to eat enterprises”、“Internal and external collusion”、“Related party transactions”、“Interest transmission”And other corruption issues。

Second, the role of state-owned enterprises as the pillar of steady economic growth is further highlighted.。State-owned enterprises in the whole region should focus on promoting the construction of clean and honest state-owned enterprises.,Compact the responsibility of steady growth,Go all out to open up the market、Seize the opportunity、Dig deep into the potential、Reduce cost and increase efficiency,Decisive battle to win the three-year action of state-owned enterprise reform,Grasp the prevention and control of operational risks and safety risks,The main economic indicators of state-owned enterprises remain in a reasonable range.,Play an important role in stabilizing the overall economic situation of the region,It shows the responsibility、Contributed strength。

Third, pay close attention“Critical minority”,Yes“Chief”And the supervision of the leading group has been continuously strengthened.。Focus on it“Chief”Implementation“Three-fold and one-big”Decision-making system、The implementation of inner-Party laws and regulations such as democratic centralism and the system of requesting instructions and reporting.,Restraining the operation of power in the procedure。Consolidate the system construction,Research and formulation《Interim Provisions on the Avoidance of Leaders of District-level Enterprises from Holding Posts and from Engaging in Public Affairs》And many other systems.。

Fourth, we should firmly carry out special management of outstanding problems in key areas.,A number of persistent problems have been effectively resolved.。Give full play to the role of inspection sword,Focus on Standardizing Business Investment、Implementation“Three-fold and one-big”Decision-making system、Board building、Standardize key business links such as operation and management of state-owned enterprises,Promote full coverage of inspection,So far,The rectification rate of special inspection feedback problems reached 72%。This year, we will focus on organizing special governance in key areas.,Among:1184 targeted rectification measures have been put forward for the special treatment of financing trade corruption.,Dealing with 360 clues to problems,Accumulated recovered losses 11.4.3 billion yuan。Another example,We have organized and carried out activities to collect overdue accounts.,Collection of Overdue Receivables 77.4.9 billion yuan,Accounting for 42% of overdue receivables at the end of 2021.3%。

Fifth, strengthen education and guidance.,The atmosphere of running enterprises with honesty is stronger.。The Integrity Education Base of the Party Committee of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the Autonomous Region was established in the Liulu Base of the Trading and Investment Group.,Enterprises should rebuild 809 honest and clean education positions according to local conditions.,Build more than 100 clean brands,Promoting the Construction of Clean and Honest State-owned Enterprises into Grass-roots Units, Projects, Workshops and Teams,Resisting corruption and preventing degeneration“Firewall”Continuous extension and reinforcement。


China Central Radio and Television Station:What achievements has the SASAC of the autonomous region made in promoting cooperation between the central and local governments??What's the next step??


Tang Aibin:

Thank you for your question.。Since 2022,Autonomous Region SASAC to host Guangxi“Central-local cooperation”Key Industry Docking Fair(Hereinafter“Fair”)For the grip,Vigorously Introduce Central Enterprises to Guangxi for Docking and Negotiation、Investigate investment,Positive results have been achieved.,The expected goal has been achieved。

First, leaders attach great importance to it.。The main party and government leaders of the autonomous region led a team to the SASAC of the State Council to report on the preparations for the meeting.。Leaders and guests attending the meeting included members of the Party Committee of the SASAC of the State Council.、Secretary General Peng Huagang,Standing Committee of the Autonomous Region Party Committee、Comrade Wang Weiping, Minister of Organization,Comrade Fang Chunming, Vice Chairman of the Autonomous Region,Comrade Xu Shaochuan, Vice Chairman of the CPPCC Autonomous Region, and other four provincial and ministerial leaders,And the leaders of 33 central enterprises、There are more than 150 responsible comrades in the central enterprises.。

Second, the negotiation effect is good.。Eighteen central enterprises and 16 relevant units in Guangxi signed 29 cooperation projects at the meeting.,The total amount of contracts signed amounted to 2385.900 million yuan。At the same time,The meeting was printed and distributed《Investment Promotion Project Manual》,It introduced to the society 110 investment projects of key industrial parks in Guangxi, which can be started by signing contracts for land supply.,The total investment is 73.6 billion yuan。

Third, the demonstration effect is strong.。The leaders of the SASAC of the State Council said at the fair.,More central enterprises will be encouraged and supported、Faster、Better into Gui。During the fair,China Nengjian and other contracted central enterprises said they would work closely with local governments.,Push forward the project landing;China Finance、The central enterprises that have not signed the contract, such as the State Energy Investment Corporation, said they would further deepen the docking with key industries in Guangxi.,Promote project progress and contract signing。Leaders of the SASAC of the State Council and the Autonomous Region、The representatives of the participating central enterprises all spoke highly of the fair.。

Next step,The autonomous region's SASAC will further intensify central-local cooperation in the following areas.。

First, further improve the communication and liaison mechanism.。Speed up the establishment and improvement of the normal communication and liaison mechanism of the central enterprises in Guangxi。Hold regular symposiums on central enterprises in Guangxi、It is held irregularly“Central enterprises enter Guangxi”Project promotion meeting, etc,Actively maintain close communication and docking with central enterprises。

Second, further improve the working mechanism.。Focus on improving agreement performance rate、Rate of funds in place、Project operating rate and completion rate,Establish a project promotion desk account,Compacting the responsibilities of all departments at all levels。Establish and improve the system of regular consultation,Strengthen horizontal coordination and vertical linkage,To coordinate and solve the major problems encountered by the central enterprises in the investment and development of Guangxi,Work together to promote the implementation of the deepening work of cooperation between the central and Guangxi.。

Third, further improve the project service mechanism.。Increase policy support,Actively follow up and implement“Central enterprises enter Guangxi”Tax reduction and fee reduction for contracted projects、Customs clearance environment optimization、Financial support for the real economy、Supply of land elements、Human resources and social security services、Safety and quality certification and production license improvement are guaranteed.,Establishment of project construction coordination mechanism and approval“green channel”Wait for the system,For“Central enterprises enter Guangxi”Create favorable conditions for the smooth implementation of the project。


CCTV network:I would like to ask the SASAC of the autonomous region to promote state-owned enterprises to focus on the main business to achieve high-quality development.,What are the specific measures??Thank you!


Tang Aibin:

Thank you for your question.。In recent years,Autonomous Region SASAC Continues to Promote the Optimization of State-owned Capital Distribution Structure,Focus on the main responsibility,Concentrate on becoming bigger and stronger,Strive to create a new situation for the reform and development of state-owned enterprises in our region。The main practices are as follows.:

One is to promote enterprises to focus on their main responsibilities.。With the consent of the Autonomous Region Government,Revise and promulgate the investment management measures and the negative list of overseas investment inside and outside the region(2022 edition),In principle, the main business of each enterprise should be controlled within 4.,Further strengthen the supervision of non-main business investment of enterprises。Revise the management measures of financing guarantee and the negative list of financing guarantee,Strictly control the provision of guarantees for non-main businesses。To issue a notice to supervise enterprises to further carry out the management of compressed levels.,The management level of 413 enterprises below the fourth level has been reduced to the third level.。Complete the subsidiary enterprise of Guangxi Agricultural Reclamation Group“Three supplies and one industry”Separation, handover and transformation,The social functions of state-owned enterprises in the whole region and the solution of problems left over by history have been completed in an all-round way.。Completing 240 households does not have competitive advantage、Liquidation of non-main business and inefficient and ineffective assets enterprises lacking development potential。Complete 171state-owned households“Zombie enterprise”Clear out。54 land projects have been revitalized since this year.、86 real estate projects,776 land asset rights have been confirmed.、There are 143 real estate asset rights.,A total of more than 8 billion yuan has been withdrawn from assets.。

The second is to increase policy support.。Formulate《Implementation Plan of Three-year Action to Further Promote the High-quality Development of State-owned Enterprises Directly under the District(2022-2024)》,Promote advantageous traditional industries、Infrastructure industry、Characteristic agriculture and forestry industry、Strategic emerging industries、High-quality development of modern service industry and other industries。Issued《Implementation Opinions on Accelerating the Green Development of State-owned Enterprises Directly under the District》,Promoting the Green Development of State-owned Enterprises“Platoon leader”。Formulate《Policies and measures to support state-owned enterprises in Guangxi to participate in the construction and operation of new land-sea corridors in the western region》,Supporting state-owned enterprises in promoting port capacity expansion、The passage is clear、Logistics quality improvement、Play a greater role in industrial convergence。

Three is“One enterprise, one policy”Support enterprises to become stronger, better and bigger。Promoting Agricultural Reclamation Group to Focus on Food Agriculture、Urban and rural services、Implementation of leading industries such as industrial services“A game of chess”Reorganization,Build a modern first-class food enterprise。Support Guangxi Automobile Group to integrate the new energy sector and build a new energy automobile base。Complete the establishment of Guangxi Supply Chain Service Group Co., Ltd.。Complete the optimization and integration of 7 scientific research institutes。Promote the introduction《Implementation Opinions on Giving Full Play to the Leading Enterprise Role of Guangxi Tourism Development Group to Promote the Construction of Guilin's World-class Tourism City and Guangxi's World Tourism Destination》,Formulate《Opinions on Supporting Beigang Group to Build the Main Force in the Construction of the New Land-Sea Corridor in the West》,Promote Beigang Group to build a comprehensive international port group with strong international and domestic competitiveness.。


Wei   Xiang:

Thanks to the two publishers for their answers.,Due to time constraints,This is the end of answering questions from reporters.。If there are other questions that journalists need to know,Please communicate and interview with the SASAC after the meeting.。

This concludes today's press conference.。Thank you all!


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