Economic Daily "Weichai Seven Questions" Interprets the Success of Weichai Group

Economic Daily "Weichai Seven Questions" Interprets the Success of Weichai Group

January 13, 2023

January 13,《Economic Daily》The headline on the front page is《Weichai asked seven questions》As the title,Exploring the Success of Weichai Group。The report said,The key to doing business lies in one.“Reality”Word,And the biggest reality is.“Have no distractions”。Today's Weichai,Ranked second among the top 100 enterprises in China's machinery industry in 2022,Steady position for 6 consecutive years“Top 100 Auto Parts Enterprises in China”Top of the list,Yeah, too“2022 Top 100 Global Auto Parts Companies”The only Chinese company in the top 10。Strong“Wei Chai Xin”Beating everywhere,Inject surging momentum into China's economy。The following is the full text of the report:

Weichai asked seven questions

Weichai High-tech Industrial Park。(The enterprise provides the map)


Production site of Weichai No.1 Factory。(Information picture)

“A gentleman should take care of his own affairs,Ben Li and Dao Sheng。”An enterprise should be evergreen.,Its essence is to make the main business bigger, stronger and better.,Have core competitiveness。

“Every successful enterprise,Climb to the top of your career.,Have to rely on the heart to attack the main business.”。March 8, 2018,General Secretary Xi Jinping participated in the deliberations of the Shandong delegation at the first session of the 13th National People's Congress.,Affirm the development of Weichai,Great expectations are placed on the reform and development of state-owned enterprises.。

Remember the instructions,Weichai is prosperous。The key to doing business lies in one.“Reality”Word,And the biggest reality is.“Have no distractions”。Today's Weichai,Ranked second among the top 100 enterprises in China's machinery industry in 2022,Steady position for 6 consecutive years“Top 100 Auto Parts Enterprises in China”Top of the list,Yeah, too“2022 Top 100 Global Auto Parts Companies”The only Chinese company in the top 10。Strong“Wei Chai Xin”Beating everywhere,Inject surging momentum into China's economy,It also arouses people's thinking about the success of Weichai.。

Can state-owned enterprises、Is the state-owned enterprise good?、Is the state-owned enterprise good?,Weichai's Report Card from Being on the Verge of Bankruptcy to Growing into a State-owned Enterprise of More than 300 Billion,A series of questions about the reform and development of state-owned enterprises have been answered.。

What does the hard core of an enterprise depend on??

Competition among enterprises,It all comes down to this“Products”And“Character”The competition。

At the Hanover International Commercial Vehicle and Parts Exhibition held in September last year,Weichai has a body thermal efficiency of 51.09%Diesel engine,In Germany, the birthplace of the internal combustion engine“Bombing ground”,Professional audiences from many countries have a strong desire for cooperation.。November 20 of the same year,Two months later.,Weichai releases the world's first body thermal efficiency 52.28%Commercial diesel engine,Shocked the world again.。

Thermal efficiency breaks through 50%What it means?

Hard nuclear technology,“Carbon”For the view。

Thermal efficiency level,It is a symbol of the comprehensive strength of a country's diesel engine technology.。Since the advent of the diesel engine,Thermal efficiency breaks through 50%Become a worldwide technical problem。Individual commercial projects in Europe and the United States can exceed 48%,But if you want to cross 50,%The difficulty of the high line is comparable to climbing the sky.。So,It's Weichai,Let China seize the leading position on this track.。

From September 2020, the world's first body thermal efficiency 50 was released..23%Diesel engine,To 51 by January 2022.09%,And then 52..28%A new record,Weichai has gone up three steps in three years.,Continue to climb the industry peak。It is estimated that,Compared with the existing mainstream products in the market, the average price is 46%Compared to the level of,52.28%Commercial Application of Bulk Thermal Efficiency Technology,It can reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 60 million tons per year for our country.。

Brave no man's land,In order to enjoy the infinite scenery.。

“Break through 50%After that,We are completely ahead of the world.,There is no experience to draw on.,There is no path to refer to.,You can only rely on yourself。”Weichai young scientist Dr. Dou Zhancheng told reporters.,Live and eat in the laboratory when the R & D task is the heaviest.,It is common to revise hundreds of design plans in a month.。They take every 0..01%Push forward with difficulty,The breakthrough of extreme technical performance has been achieved.。In that seemingly ordinary war room.,Brewing the world's internal combustion engine industry one after another deep changes in still water.。

Don't make quick money.,Make long money。

Time travel,The older generation of Weichai people dare not imagine what it looks like today.;Stand in the present,The new generation of Weichai people continue to seek breakthroughs.。This“I can't imagine”And“Take the lead”Between,Just one“Have no distractions”。

Divestiture of secondary businesses,Stick to the main business,Weichai has courage,More determined。Especially for a while.,Facing the fierce market competition and real estate、The financial industry“High returns”The temptation of,Many enterprises blindly follow the trend.,What do you do when you get the money?,The wallet is bulging for a while.,But he abandoned his martial arts.。And Weichai,For so many years, I have never put any thought into my non-main business.,I've never invested a penny in real estate.。

Weifang Minsheng East Street,The old Weichai factory, which covers an area of 800 mu, is located here.。Under the setting sun,The quiet factory area brings people back to the years of burning passion in an instant.。“This is the golden section of Weifang City.,Someone once mobilized us to engage in real estate.,We're not tempted。Every year, we organize new employees to visit here.,Feel the persistence of Weichai。”Senior President of Weichai Group、Former trade union chairman Lu Wenwu told reporters.。

The era of great opportunity,Of course, seize the opportunity.,But not as an opportunist.。It has become the obsession of Weichai's development to concentrate on its main business.,Such obsession has brought the pride of Weichai products.,They end up“Make more money selling engines than real estate.”——Bulk thermal efficiency 51.09%The social energy-saving benefits of diesel engines are as high as 140 billion yuan.。

Pack up and go into battle,Powertrain。

November 20 last year,Weichai also released 54 that attracted the attention of the global industry..16%Commercial products of natural gas engine,It can reduce carbon by 30 million tons a year for the whole industry.。As the leading enterprise of natural gas engine,Weichai monopolizes 70% of global high-power natural gas engines%Market share,Production and sales rank first in the world.。

Except for natural gas,Weichai also has a plan in the new energy track.。According to parent company of Weichai Group——Hu Haihua, member of the Party Committee of Shandong Heavy Industry Group, introduced.,Weichai began its layout in the field of new energy 10 years ago.,Breakthroughs have been made in key core technologies and commercial applications.,Master a batch of original patented technologies,Fuel cell、Hybrid、At present, the three new energy technology routes of pure electric go hand in hand.,The momentum is good。

Nowadays,With the mark of Weichai“Heart”,From road use to non-road up,From Ocean and Inland River Shipping to High-speed and High-end Large Cylinder Bore,Successfully build the power system、Commercial vehicle、Agricultural equipment、Construction machinery、Intelligent logistics、The pattern of coordinated development of marine transportation equipment and other industrial sectors。

As Tan Xuguang, chairman of Weichai Group, said.,Whether it's the powertrain,Or the whole vehicle business?,All in order to strengthen the main business.,In order to give full play to the core technical advantages of the group's power assembly,。

In the fierce market competition,The survival of enterprises should be honed.“Eighteen kinds of martial arts”,More importantly, there must be a perfect fire.“He is good at his unique skills”。Between the main business and the auxiliary business and the sideline business,Have the wisdom to give and take。Weichai is gathering momentum in strategic focus、Strengthen and optimize the main business,Build momentum in a slow and steady way、Develop and expand the main business,Become a trend in the wind and rain of the market、Forge the main business leading the world,So as to lead in innovation.、Strive to be the first in entrepreneurship、Take the lead in creation。

How to solve big but not strong?

Innovation is the first driving force。Focus on the main business,Only indomitable determination is far from enough.,The support of scientific and technological innovation is crucial.。Cracking the Chronic Illness of State-owned Enterprises Being Questioned as Big but Not Strong,Technological innovation is also needed to break the situation.。All these years,Weichai is willing to invest、Dare to invest,It's all around“Innovation”Expand,In order to break“Egalitarianism、Bureaucracy、Red-eye doctrine、Confusionism”。

Agitate the power of innovation,Do not forget the sad crack“Core acid”。

Along the way,Former CEO of Weichai Power、Wang Zhijian, general manager of Sinotruk, is filled with emotion.,“1998,The factory has been unable to pay wages for half a year.,Cut off water and electricity,Two thirds of the R & D personnel have left.,The book capital is only 80000 yuan.,The debt is as high as 300 million yuan.。”Tan Xuguang, 37, was appointed at the critical moment.,Become the youngest factory director in Weichai's history,The battle for reform has also begun.。Learn from the bitter experience,Tan Xuguang, the factory director, is determined to pull up the R & D team.,Raise the competitiveness of products,Enter the market by strength。From 0 to 1,The most difficult thing is to establish a positive R & D process.。

Wang Zhijian said,At first,We asked the consulting company to develop new products.“Turnkey”,We'll send a team.,Follow and learn from beginning to end,No one will tell you if you crack it.“Black box”。Gradually establish the R & D process,More than 30 processes are subdivided.,Over the years, the R & D process has been constantly refined.。

There is no final success.,Only continuous growth.。At present,The group has nearly 6000 R & D personnel in the engine sector.,It has established a completely independent engine forward research and development capability.,Not only to be the strongest in the country,You can also wrestle with the world's top players.。

The autonomous electronic control system is the engine.“Brain”。A long time,This technology is monopolized by foreign countries.。Electronic control system development engineer Li Guopeng said.,On the basis of reverse development of international advanced enterprises,They are constantly updated iteratively.,Failed countless times.,After four years of hard work,,It has created the first self-developed high-pressure common rail electronic control system in China.,Break the technological blockade of foreign countries,Let the engine have it.“China Core”。

Start from scratch to be the first in the industry,Weichai people are full of sense of achievement。“When we see 4 million engine logos flashing everywhere on the big screen.,Their impact on China's economic pulse is also active in front of us.。This is the responsibility.!”Song Yedong, deputy manager of intelligent service development business, said passionately.。

Stimulate innovative achievements,Give“A bench-warmer”With eye-catching praise and reward.。

Being able to make money is a skill.,Being able to divide money is wisdom.。Back in 2001,Weichai set up the Science and Technology Innovation Award,Reward scientific and technological achievements with 700000 yuan。Up to now,The biennial Science and Technology Innovation Award Conference has become a major event.。2019“Weichai Science and Technology Highest Award”,Award 10 million yuan to individuals。R & D personnel、Big country craftsmen and others on the podium,Be praised,Get a big reward,It has greatly stimulated the enthusiasm for scientific and technological innovation.。A number of scientific and technological talents and innovative products stand out.。

January 2020,Weichai Power was rated as global“Lighthouse factory”。Luan Jianwei, director of No.1 factory, told reporters.,This is an important production and manufacturing base of Weichai high-speed and high-power engine.,It can produce more than 70 kinds of engines on mixed lines.,It has an annual production capacity of 300,000 units.,The main production links have been automated.。

“Shujun valve tappet automatic assembly unit”“Timing gear bolt tightening unit……”Weichai workshop has many process signs named after people.,It highlights the achievements of first-line innovation.,It is a commendation for craftsmen's innovation.。

Wang Shujun, Chief Technician of Weichai Power,Start as a repairman,From repairing equipment to changing equipment to building equipment,He has successively won the annual figure of big country craftsmen.、National model worker、The State Council Government Special Allowance Expert and other titles。In the past nine years,He led the team to implement more than 250 innovations.,Accumulated economic benefits of more than 60 million yuan。

Construct competition mechanism,Uncover the list and take command to see the real chapter。

Weichai does not set up for young scientific and technological personnel“Bird cage”,But try to“Release a pigeon”,Let them fly.。March 2021,Products in urgent need of the market、Strategic key core technologies, etc.,The group releases a batch of“Uncover the list and take command”Project,Don't look at qualifications, education, ability.,Through public bidding, 47 project leaders were selected.,Eighteen of them are ordinary scientific researchers.。

It is precisely because it has a vibrant innovation ecosystem.,Weichai Technology Engine Sound World,Gradually build up the domestic leading position、World-class scientific and technological innovation capability。2018 to date,Weichai shift and speed up,New technology、New formats are on the rise in an all-round way,Digital transformation is in full swing,Won the third China Quality Award、The 2nd China Industry Awards。2019,Weichai Power“Key Technologies and Applications of Powertrain for Heavy-duty Commercial Vehicles”Won the first prize of National Science and Technology Progress Award,It completely reverses the dilemma of the lack of core technology of heavy power assembly in China.。

Innovation is the source of core competitiveness of enterprises.,Weichai's core competitiveness always revolves around its main business.,This gives us inspiration.。One is autonomy and openness.,The core technology is not available.、I can't buy it,Need“Sitting on the bench is cold for ten years.”,But innovation is not behind closed doors.,I am willing to work hard,We should also make good use of our strength.;The two is to save money and burn money.,Don't spend a penny that shouldn't be spent.,But not when“Iron cock”,Those who should burn money should find the right direction.,Accumulate kinetic energy for the future track;Third, the R & D mechanism is lenient and strict.,Scientific and Technological Innovation Should Insist on Tolerance of Failure,Strive to create a relaxed environment for innovation,Tolerance and tolerance of talent personality。

How do ten thousand horses gallop??

Talents are the key to strengthening and developing enterprises.。Weifang, where Weichai is headquartered, is not a first-tier city.,Why attract high-end talents??What makes people live?、Get moving、Get strong?Weichai's approach is,Set up a stage for all kinds of talents to compete for performance。

One is to attract talents.。“Buying equipment is better than buying technology.,It is better to buy talents than technology.。”This is what Weichai's management is talking about.。

In recent years,Weichai has introduced more than 300 high-end talents from home and abroad。“After 80”Chen Wenmiao's story is quite representative.。Chen Wenmiao of Tsinghua University,I majored in power engineering in the Department of Automotive Engineering.。Spring of 2009,Shortly after he sent his resume to Weichai,,I got a call,Said Chairman Tan Xuguang wanted to talk to him face to face.。

“I remember it very well.,In the hotel lobby.,General Manager Tan talked with me for 20 minutes during the interval of the meeting.,He talked about the development of the enterprise.、Planning for the future。The chairman of a multinational corporation.,Interview with me, a student who has not officially left school.,It's very unusual in itself.。My answer is:,I will be your soldier in the future.。”

“Did you talk about salary??”“No,Weichai's platform is very attractive.,The chairman is full of sincerity,That's enough.!”

Nowadays,Chen Wenmiao has served as deputy general manager of Weichai Group.,He is the leader of Weichai's new energy sector.。Under his impetus.,Weichai Hydrogen Fuel Cell Bus Lines Have Opened 28 in Shandong,Running mileage of more than 20 million kilometers。

The reporter interviewed many experts and engineers.,They have a common feeling.——Weichai is a meritocracy,I can realize my dream。

“Choose Weichai,Be Undefined Yourself。”This small video of Weichai's school recruitment has made many job seekers excited.——“Here……Any business sector you choose is the ceiling of the industry.,Future,It's up to you to create a higher peak.”。

The second is to be able to use talents from top to bottom.。In view of the chronic disease of seniority, which restricts the vitality of enterprises.,Launched in 1998“Three institutional reforms”Be bold and resolute,108 tier-one institutions reduced to 79。

Weichai Power Vice President Jiang Ningtao said.,From April 2020,Organized competition for re-employment,Some of the former cadres who served as department heads were demoted to the section level.,Good job in the later period.,There is still a chance for promotion.。Through a competitive selection mechanism,Taking open selection and competition for posts as the main means of cadre selection,Break the comfort zone,Really realized“Go to the capable、Ping Zhe Rang、Mediocrity”。In recent years,The rate of newly promoted leading cadres competing for posts reached 80 percent%Above。

Third, training and empowering talents.。Weichai has 100,000 employees worldwide.,Most of them are blue collar.。For manufacturing enterprises,Improve the quality of employees,Only in this way can we consolidate the foundation for development.。

2016,The new campus of Weichai Vocational University with an investment of nearly 300 million yuan was completed.。Nowadays,It can accommodate 1200 full-time students and 1000 trainees at the same time.,Become a classroom to enhance the learning ability of employees。

The reporter walked into a lecture hall.,The title of the report is“Systematic technology innovation method under big data”。This is the centralized training course for leading cadres of Weichai Group in 2022.,The course involves team building.、Corporate culture、Mode of operation、Innovative thinking, etc。“For middle-level cadres,Training in operational skills is not urgent,It's important to think outside the box.。This class is very inspiring to me.!”Student Liu Hongyong said。

“Weichai achieves full coverage of personnel training for all sequence posts,Enlarged、Training of high-level talents and R & D sequence personnel,Per capita training hours up to 105 hours。”Yang Hanliang, Assistant Minister of Human Resources of Weichai Power, said.,Nearly 5 years,More than 1.3 million employees have been trained.,The total training hours are more than 11.5 million hours.。At the same time,They and Huawei、Stanford University、Tsinghua University and others carry out strategic cooperation in personnel training,Let young people grow in jointing。

Fourth, open up channels to strengthen talents.。Weichai has a special team of science and technology innovation.——Craftsman。A batch“Craftsmen in a big country”“Great craftsman of Qilu”“Weichai Great Craftsman”It has become an important force in Weichai's innovation team.。

2016,Weichai carries out title reform,Open up the channel between workers and cadres,Break the growth of talents“The ceiling”,Workers can also enter the engineer sequence if they do well.,Ordinary technicians can get the salary of middle and senior management cadres in enterprises.,You can also get a heavy reward.。

Li Ming, a maintenance worker in the material forming center, won the first prize in the national intelligent manufacturing.,Be promoted from senior worker to technician。“I can go from technician to chief technician.,You can also evaluate the title in the future.,The chief technician's income is equivalent to that of a company executive.!”

“I'm a little regretful now.!”Zhao Yongchang, who works in Weichai Trade Union, said with a smile.,“I was a mechanic, too.,At that time, there were few channels for workers to ascend.,I will work hard by myself.,Become a manager。Later, the rising channel of the workers was opened.,Income、Motivation is no worse than cadres.,Everyone was shocked.,There is much to be done as a worker nowadays.!”

Talent is the most precious resource.。Behind Weichai's Use of Living Talents,Supported by methodology。One is the mutual achievement of the phoenix tree and the golden phoenix.,Attract high-end talents with the help of career platform,Talents, in turn, enhance the value of enterprise platform.;The second is to look at horses in horse racing.,Take the lead by revealing the list,Compete on the stage,Form the momentum of ten thousand horses galloping;Third, smooth access.,Pave the track,Let people always see hope.、Insufficient feeling、Full of energy,Avoid job burnout。

There are many storms in capital operation.?

Today, Weichai can stand at the high end of the global industrial chain.,It is fought out in the fierce competition in the capital market.。In the meantime, one by one, the story of the strong muscles and bones of the wind and waves.,Deduce the dialectical relationship between perseverance and expansion.——No mergers and acquisitions unrelated to the main business。Every dilation,Technology、The product is extended once.、Sublimate once;Every merger and acquisition,The industrial advantages of both sides complement each other.、Lift once。

Strengthen the industrial chain around the main business,Occupy the highland of the industry。

2004,Weichai Power is listed in Hong Kong,Opening up the road of capital internationalization。This is a pioneering move in China's internal combustion engine industry.,It also makes Weichai begin to think about the bigger and longer-term development in the future.。For this reason,They have spared no expense to hire world-renowned international management consulting companies for strategic planning.。“If you stick to the diesel engine,No industrial extension,Within five years.,Weichai will be in trouble again.。”This suggestion made Weichai executives suddenly wake up.。

Dreams are in the heart,The opportunity is in hand。April 2004,Capital crocodile“Delong Department”Crash,Sale of Hunan Torch assets under its control,Shaanxi Heavy Duty Truck Co., Ltd., including the development of complete vehicles、Fast, which produces transmissions、Hand, who makes axles.。

“Who can win the Hunan Torch?,Who will have a chance to win China's heavy truck industry。”Xu Xinyu, senior president of Weichai Group, said.,The day before the bid,To prevent accidents on flights.,Weichai soldiers are divided into two groups.,Bring one copy of each tender with official seal,From Qingdao respectively、Depart from Jinan,Arrived in Changsha on the same day.,To secure the next day's bids。

The process of acquiring Hunan Torch can be described as a sword.,Game with major shareholders、Entanglement with creditors、A fight with a rival bidder can be made into a wonderful TV play.。Through a battle of wits,Weichai finally won the bid.。Tan Xuguang was moved to tears for the first time in public.,It was at the celebration banquet of the reorganization of the Hunan Torch in August 2005.。

Through the strategic reorganization of Hunan Torch,Weichai is the first in the world“Engine+Transmission+Axle”Powertrain Business Model for Heavy Duty Commercial Vehicles。“The acquisition of Hunan Torch is an important step for Weichai.,For the first time, it has been realized with the power of capital.‘Multiplication method’Expansion,It has also trained a team of mergers and acquisitions.。Both industries、Capital、The fusion of cultures,It has also accumulated experience for future overseas mergers and acquisitions.。”Xu Xinyu said。

Overseas mergers and acquisitions step by step carefully,Wonderful hand internationalization。

The international financial crisis broke out in 2008.,Many old European companies are in financial trouble.。Weichai seized the opportunity,Achieve international leapfrogging。Tan Xuguang Seizes Both Domestic and International Markets,The annual flight mileage is 400000 kilometers.,It can be called“Flying man”。

Affected by the international financial crisis,International trade and shipping markets have fallen sharply,Baudouin, a French marine machinery company with a history of 100 years, has sharply reduced its orders.,And eventually went bankrupt。At that time,Weichai is developing a 16-liter engine,Baudouin's core product is the 16-liter to 32-liter engine.,Complementary to Weichai's products。

However,At the analysis and demonstration meeting of Weichai's acquisition of Baudouin,Because it is heavily indebted to the enterprise.、The current situation of too small scale and the prediction that the European market is difficult to control.,Trigger the market in charge、Technology、Executives in areas such as procurement objected en masse.。

Tan Xuguang asked the chief designer Zhang Jiyuan.:“How many years does it take to develop a new 16-liter engine??”The other side answered:“At least 5 years,It may not be successful.。”

On Baudouin,What Tan Xuguang sees is different from others.。Baudouin's proven technology、Matched power segment,Weichai needs it.;With less money.,Try to really get out there.、Manage an overseas enterprise,It can pave the way for the dream of internationalization。

A word to wake everyone up,At the second acquisition demonstration meeting,The acquisition proposal was unanimously approved.。

“The acquisition of Baudouin is of great significance.,On behalf of Weichai, he stepped out for the first time.。What's more,,Weichai has gradually established the strategic principles of overseas mergers and acquisitions.,Is based on‘Make up for shortcomings、Adjust the structure、Strong main business’,Focus‘Enterprises are in urgent need、High-end technology、National Strategy’,No mergers and acquisitions unrelated to the main business。”Parent company of Weichai Group——Jiang Kui, general manager of Shandong Heavy Industry Group, told reporters.。

Weichai's internationalization is meticulous step by step.,Every expansion brings technology.、The originality of the new industrial layout——

2009,Reorganization of Baudouin in France to realize the transformation to maritime power;2012,Acquisition of Italian Ferretti to Control Luxury Yacht Business;2012 to 2016,Restructure Kion of Germany and Dematic of the United States to build the world's leading intelligent logistics industry chain,The acquisition of Linde Hydraulics introduced the monopolistic hydraulic technology into China.;2017,Investing in alternative fuel power providers in the United StatesPSI,Open access to the US market;2018,Invest in solid oxide fuel cell company Siris Power UK、Hydrogen Fuel Cell Company Ballard Power of Canada,Natural gas engine cooperation with Westport Fuel Systems, Canada,Control the three core technologies of new energy for commercial vehicles;2020 to 2021,Strategic Restructuring Germany Odeus、Widis, Austria、Swiss Rapid Fuel Cell Air Compressor Co.,Achieve global coverage of strategic business、Balanced development。

Strategic restructuring adds tiger wings,Deep ploughing in the fertile fields produces gold。

The pioneering steps of Weichai people have never stopped.。The beginning of 2021,The domestic agricultural machinery industry broke a big news.——Weichai Group reorganized Lovol Heavy Industries。

Revo Heavy Industry is one of the leading enterprises of agricultural equipment brand in China.,It is also the only independent brand in China that can provide the whole mechanization solution for modern agriculture.,Its harvesting machinery、Tractors and other businesses have maintained the national leading position for nearly 20 consecutive years.。

For this reorganization,Weichai is well prepared.。2020,Its share in the agricultural equipment power industry increased to 20 percent%,And mastered“Assassin's mace”——Agricultural equipmentCVT(Continuously variable transmission)Key core technologies of powertrain,Break foreign monopoly at one stroke。

Strategic Restructuring of Lovol by Weichai,Realized“1+1>2”The effect of。“Weichai relies on a full range of high-end off-road engines、CVTCore resources such as power assembly and hydraulic power assembly,Equip Lovol with efficient and reliable power‘Heart’。At the same time,Weichai is in electronic control、Advantages in new energy and other fields,It can also cooperate with Revo efficiently.,Leading Agricultural Equipment to High-end。”Party Secretary of Weichai Group、General Manager Ma Changhai said,Planned sales volume of agricultural equipment in 2022 14.20,000 units,By November of that year, it had completed 14..30,000 units,Overfulfill the annual plan ahead of schedule。

The integration of the two has also achieved a significant increase in economic benefits.。According to Wang Guimin, general manager of Weichai Lovol.,Sales revenue of Weichai Lovol agricultural equipment segment in 2020 78.700 million yuan,The sales revenue in 2022 is about 16 billion yuan.,Compared with 2020, it has achieved a doubling growth.。

In the process of state-owned enterprise reform,Capital operation is a necessary question and a difficult problem.。Weichai's success,The train of thought for answering questions is given.。One is to deal with the relationship between perseverance and promotion.,Capital operation is a means.,Master the core technology、Strengthening the main business is the goal.。The second is to understand crisis and opportunity scientifically.,Be good at seeing opportunities in danger、Turn danger into opportunity,Cultivate new machines、Take the lead。Third, deal with the relationship between motivation and effect.。Want to do good things.,Do good things again.。Weichai is here“Be frightened step by step、Careful step by step”Medium,It shows that the decision-makers and management are open-minded.、Be shrewd in doing things、Make smart decisions。

How to deal with a myriad of things?

Mergers and acquisitions are not easy to complete,Concomitant Management Consolidation、Cultural integration,The challenge is even more daunting。Strategic layout of globalization、Rapid expansion of industrial scale,Forcing Weichai to build a set of evaluable、Reproducible、Exportable management system。A myriad of things,Where to start?

“Managing Enterprises Should Be Good at Grasping the Main Contradictions。This is technology.、Marketing and management,Technology and marketing are‘Hematopoietic’,Create value directly;Management is the rule of enterprise operation.、Order and hub,Transforms indirectly into productivity by empowering the business,It's important, but it's also easy.‘Conceal’。”Tan Xuguang said,Weichai should comprehensively optimize the management ecology,Fully activate every management cell,Let the enterprise glow with vitality。

The governance of an enterprise is based on rules and regulations.。

While learning from the world's advanced management experience,,Weichai fully combines its own reality,Keep exploring、Trial and error,Gradually form a set of rules in line with international standards.、Suitable for China's national conditions、With Weichai characteristicsWOSManagement mode。

Through this model,Weichai's enterprise strategy、Ambitious vision, etc,It is refined and decomposed into operable layers.、Achievable task;Through management reform,In each branch factory、All departments、Clear assessment criteria among various types of work,Form a unified management order and management language,Strengthen team process awareness、Communication consciousness,Set up R & D、Production、Sale、Service and other whole processes、Cost control management mode and system in the whole field,Effectively improve the efficiency of enterprises。

Take Weichai engine business sector as an example.,The improvement rate of process efficiency increased from 19% in the first quarter of 2021.0%,To 76% in the fourth quarter of 2022%;Per capita output value from 309 in 2017.90,000 yuan/People,Grow to 442 in 2021.50,000 yuan/People。

Changes in the production site,It's even more remarkable。“When many foreign businessmen visited,Yes, a tidy workshop.、Standardized management、Intelligent production line、Technological improvements and creations named after employees have been praised repeatedly.。”Weichai“The Belt and Road”Yang Zhaoxia of the overseas team said.。

“WOSIt is gradually promoted in the industrial chain centered on Weichai.,It has also shown vigorous vitality in the management practice of many overseas enterprises of the group.,It has become an endogenous force for the rapid growth of Weichai industrial chain.。”Party Secretary of Weichai Power、Carry outCEOZhang Quan said。

One stone kills many birds.。“WOSIt is also the quality rule of Weichai.,The manufacturing level of Weichai has been steadily improved.,It lays the foundation for future intelligent manufacturing.。”Weichai Power Quality Director Yin Huiqiong said.。

2018,Weichai relies on“WOSQuality management mode”Won the third China Quality Award。2021,The model was successfully selected by the SASAC of the State Council.“Top Ten Benchmarking Models”。

Let the sunshine illuminate every corner of the enterprise。

“The system in the drawer is waste paper.,Only by running in the sun can we have vitality.。”This is what Tan Xuguang often said.。Settle down to practice,It is the transparency of enterprise decision-making.、Do things transparently、Transparent supervision。Open Management Team Blog,Office of leading cadres“Change the glass door、Go to the sofa”,So that the sun covers every corner of the enterprise.。

2010,Where is the whole management team of Weichai?OAThe platform opens a blog,Zero distance communication with front-line employees,Contributed to the whole staff to offer suggestions.、Democratic supervision。

“Factory first-line production process to be optimized”“There are only two pieces of ribs in a portion of braised spareribs with potatoes in the staff canteen.”……On Weichai's internal blog,Employees put forward various demands.,Overtime in some approval processes of existing subordinate companies、The signature and examination of official documents are not standardized.,There are also problems closely related to the production and life of employees.。Under the question,Relevant departments give a reply.,Improve management efficiency in interaction。“Which department is involved after the issue is issued?,Which department should take the problem away within 24 hours?,If you don't take it away, you will be held accountable.。”Ma Changhai said,Weichai has set up an inspection office,Be responsible for supervising the progress of problem rectification。

The blade is inward,It takes courage and courage.。As Tan Xuguang said.:“I didn't‘Friend’,No‘Friend’We're all friends.,Only in this way can they be treated equally.,In order to measure to the end with a ruler.。”

Weichai's organizational streamlining、Management refinement、Lean operation,Is it because we have handled three sets of relationships?。One is reference and accommodation.。Enterprise management mode is like shoes.,There is no best,Only suitable or not.,Want“Learn from the heart、Practice on things、Da Yu Dao、Combine into one”。Second, conservation and innovation.。Management mode should keep pace with the times,Change with time;At the same time,Running-in and even trial and error in practice,Only in this way can it be perfected day by day。Third, strict management and love.。The Iron Army is forged.,Good soldiers come from love.,Have the heart of a Bodhisattva,There must also be thunderbolt means.,Strict requirements in work and care in life complement each other.。

Corporate culture is not an empty work.?

In Weichai's workshop、Office building、Canteen, etc,Slogans that embody corporate culture can be seen everywhere.,They embody the spirit of Weichai people to concentrate on their main business.。No matter what position you are in.、What age is it?,The Weichai people that the reporter saw were full of passion.、Full of energy——The leadership can do its own thing、Take the lead、Do anything,Every employee works consciously.、Fight to do it、Be willing to do it。With this spirit.,For more than 20 years,None of Weichai's more than 1000 cadres came out.“Question”Yes,None of the core team members left.。

“If you don't compete for the first place, you are muddling along.”,The pursuit of perfection goes deep into the heart.。

“In Weichai,No‘Coax to do’‘Forced to do it’‘Mix it up’Bad habits,Only‘Do more than work’‘Rush to do it’‘Do it consciously’The ecology of。”Tan Xuguang told reporters。

“If you don't compete for the first place, you are muddling along.”A culture of passion,Overflowing on Weichai people。Heavy duty engine、Heavy-duty gearbox、First in the world for heavy trucks,The world's first luxury yacht brand,Bulldozer、Tractors、Harvesting machinery is the first in China……An item“First”,It's a record,It's honor,Weichai is loyal to the love of the enterprise.、High-spirited passion。

Zhang Donghai, Vice President of Weichai Vocational University,During his 37 years of work in Weichai, he has worked in more than 20 departments.,Witness the prosperity of the enterprise,He said with deep feeling.:“It's a shame to muddle along.,It is also irresponsible for oneself.,Fight for the first place,It is the consistent pursuit of everyone.。”

Wang Wanting, who has just worked for one year.,It also ignites dreams and pursuits in the passionate culture.。“I am in youth,To dawdle is to waste life.,Never let down every inch of time.!”

Passion culture is related to efficiency culture.——“One day for two and a half days.”。R & D building at 10:00 p.m.,Lights, lamps。The reporter walked into an office at random.,Many people are working overtime spontaneously.。Zheng Xue, Deputy Director of Light Truck Platform Office of Engine Research Institute, has worked in Weichai for 11 years.,She said:“Wake up in the morning,Just shake up your spirits,Struggle for the dream。”

“Be responsible for what you do,Just do it in place”,Behind the responsibility is selfless devotion.。

Weichai People's Love and Responsibility for Work,Reflected in the executive culture of the enterprise——“Be responsible for what you do,Just do it in place”。Whether it's the dedication of the older generation.,Or the struggle of the younger generation?,They all take the factory as their home、The pride of loving the factory like home is inspiring.,It is supported by the ultimate pursuit of product quality and respect for customers.。

Weichai Power“Three high”The test team runs around in high temperature all the year round.、High and cold、Plateau and other extreme areas,It is an extreme challenge to the body and willpower.。But they take pleasure in pain,In return, the product can withstand a lot of tempering.。Wang Fulong, born in 1982,It's in the team.“Veteran”。“Once an experiment was done on the plateau of 4700 meters.,There is a stone between the wheels.,My team and I took over for two hours.,To pry the stone out.。Push every time,It's all the pain and suffering of lack of oxygen.,But I still want to go to the plateau again.。”

“For more than ten years,Our team does the whole vehicle test.,Create one after another to satisfy customers.、Products with market reputation,This is the thing that makes me most happy.。”Weichai Power“Three high”Lv Wenzhi, captain of the test team, said emotionally.。Li Jie, 25, feels the same way.:“When I finish developing a product,,When delivered to the user,There will be a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction.。”

Tan Zhixue, Assistant Dean of Weichai Engine Research Institute,Yeah, too“Independent overtime army”A member of.。He said:“What touches me most about the company,It's the core values.——Customer satisfaction is our aim。Our skills and efforts,It really brings value to customers.,It's being needed.、Be admired、Approved,It keeps everyone motivated.。”

The money will run out.,Resources will be exhausted,Only culture is endless。The governance of Weichai,Not only“Hard”Institutional mechanisms、Rules and regulations,And there is“Soft”To move people with emotion、Moisten the heart with virtue、To be a cultural person。People's hearts are made of meat.,Warm heart、Intimate entrepreneurial ecology,People think that working in Weichai is not only a profession.,It is also a cause.,It is a spiritual home。Abandon the circle culture、Closed culture、Lazy political culture,Everyone is at ease to start a business、Rest assured of innovation、Create with your heart、Concentrate on doing things、Take root smoothly、Happy and tired、Comfortable life。

It is easy to cross the mountains.?

Think long and hard,Only in this way can we go steadily and far.。Some people think,Weichai“Master”Tan Xuguang is bold,Dare to think what others dare not think.,Have the courage to do what others have not done.,Be good at doing what others can't do.。Tan Xuguang said:“I am in charge of the door of state-owned enterprises.,Do things cleanly,There can be no mistakes.。”“Procyclicality”The heroic spirit in the room、“Countercyclical”The spirit in the room,It all comes from not expanding when you succeed.、Resilience in times of difficulty。And such a perception,It is what people often call bottom-line thinking and strategic vision.,Be able to grasp the boundless sky,Can also soberly recognize the depth of heaven and earth.。

Across thousands of mountains and rivers,We will continue to cross mountains and rivers,Even in the face of stormy waves.。Faced with a series of new situations、New issues、New changes、New challenges,Weichai people have never thought of lying flat.,I don't want to win.。Deep ploughing in the main business,Always adhere to crisis-driven and problem-oriented,Every economic cycle period,Climb to the top of the stage,Habitually pour cold water on yourself.——

2007,The global economic situation is very good.,And they see,A new round of global economic recession has arrived.。

2013,Facing the situation that Weichai engine outshines others.,And they think,“Wolf”Coming soon。

2017,Around how to move to high-end、Challenge the world's first-class,They put forward,Change or perish.。

First half of 2021,“Guowu”Switch“China VI”Market demand surge due to emission standards,Many people are immersed in joy.,And they're thinking.:The next ten years,Will we be subverted and eliminated??

Because it's like walking on thin ice,Weichai is bold,Dare to innovate、Employ people、Be bold and resolute in reform。

Because of trembling,Really show up“Countercyclical”Time,Weichai once again showed a sense of risk prediction.、Resilience brought by the ability to resist risks——2022,Weichai Group Overcomes Difficulties to Ensure Order Delivery,The export of products has achieved unprecedented growth.。

The road is under your feet。Weichai's next goal,It is a leap to $10 billion in export revenue in 2023。

The dream is ahead。The Science and Technology Tower in the center of the factory,Carrying the vision of the future,The circular electronic display above beats the countdown based on 2030.——Weichai at that time,New Energy Business Leads Global Industry Development、Its income reached 1 trillion yuan.、Strong international enterprises in the world's top 500。

Time pays off,Advantage embraces the trend。Only struggle and struggle.,Do the right thing.,Do things right。

Never stop working,The future is promising!Glory is ahead,The mission must be achieved!


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