This year it is“May 4th”105th Anniversary of the Patriotic Movement,It is also the company's continuous development."Cap removal project”,A key year for deepening high-quality development。In order to further encourage and mobilize the company's young employees to inherit and develop“May 4th”Spirit,Based on the post,Burn youth,Make progress with high spirits、A promising gesture,To inject youth momentum into the company's high-quality development,April 30,The theme of the meeting organized by the Energy Branch is“Youth stands out·Promote enterprise empowerment”A youth symposium。Ma Tao, Deputy General Manager of the Branch,Leaders of all departments and all young employees attended the meeting.,Project personnel participate in meetings via video。
At the meeting,We watched the Youth Power Promotional Film released by People's Network and the Code of Conduct for CCCC Employees.,It aims to guide employees to establish correct professional and moral values.。To deepen employees' understanding and recognition of the company's culture,The symposium specially arranged a visit to the company's honor room.。In the honor room,Precious photographs.、Honorary certificates have witnessed the brilliant development of the company.。Employees stopped to watch.,In-depth understanding of the company's growth trajectory and achievements,Full of confidence in the future development of the company。
At the meeting,All the participants had a heated discussion around the theme of the event.,Everyone speaks freely,Each expresses his own views,The atmosphere was relaxed and warm.,Just the branch office“Take off your hat”And put forward reasonable suggestions for high-quality development.。The leaders listened carefully to the opinions and suggestions of the employees.,They also conducted in-depth exchanges and discussions on related issues.。It was agreed that,Young employees are the backbone of the company's development,Give full play to the enthusiasm and creativity of young employees.,Promote the branch to achieve high-quality development。
The symposium set up a good communication channel between leaders and employees.,It not only enhances the sense of belonging and cohesion of employees.,It has also injected new vitality into the future development of the branch.。The branch will continue to focus on the growth and development of young employees.,Provide more learning and development opportunities for employees,Encourage them to contribute their youth to the development of the company.。
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