Hainan: Basically Eliminate Non-road Mobile Machinery of National Grade I and Below in 2025

Hainan: Basically Eliminate Non-road Mobile Machinery of National Grade I and Below in 2025

June 25, 2024

Recently,Issued by the People's Government of Hainan Province《Implementation Plan for Continuous Improvement of Air Quality in Hainan Province(2024-2025)》。《Programme》Make it clear:By 2025,Basic elimination of non-road mobile machinery“Black smoke”Phenomenon,Basically eliminate non-road mobile machinery with national emission standards of I and below。Except for fire protection、Emergency support such as rescue.,Port、Airport、Railway freight yard、Logistics Park、Newly added or updated on-site operating vehicles and machinery in industrial and mining enterprises have basically realized new energy.。

Implementation Plan for Continuous Improvement of Air Quality in Hainan Province(2024-2025)

To implement the State Council《On issuanceNotice of》(Guofa〔2023〕Number 24),Continue to fight the battle of defending the blue sky,Fully implement the Party Central Committee、The State Council's Strategic Plan for Building a Free Trade Port with Chinese Characteristics and the Spirit of the Provincial Conference on Eco-environmental Protection,To reduce fine particulate matter(PM2.5)Concentration is the main line,Vigorously promote nitrogen oxides(NOx)And volatile organic compound(VOCs)Emission reduction,Implementing coordinated control of continuous improvement of air quality and climate change,Formulate this plan。

One、Operational objectives

In 2025, the air quality in Hainan Province continued to maintain a good trend.。The excellent rate of air quality in the whole province is 98%Above,The excellent rate of air quality in prefecture-level cities is 98.0%Above,The rate of heavy pollution weather is 0..0%;The whole provincePM2.5 Strive to reach an average concentration of 11 micrograms/Cubic meters or less,No higher than 12 in prefecture-level cities.5 micrograms/Cubic meter。The emissions of major air pollutants have further decreased.,AmongNOxAndVOCsThe emission reduction of key projects is 0..400,000 tons and 0.130,000 tons。

Two、Optimize industrial structure,Promoting green upgrading of industrial products

(One)Strict environmental access requirements。

New reconstruction and expansion projects strictly implement the national and provincial industrial planning、Industrial policy、Ecological environment zoning management and control scheme、Planning environmental impact assessment、Project environmental impact assessment、Energy conservation review、Capacity replacement、Total amount control of key pollutants、Reduction of pollutant discharge area、Carbon emission peak target and other related requirements,In principle, clean transportation shall be adopted.。Comprehensively curb high energy consumption、High emissions、High pollution、Low level(“Three high and one low”)Blind development of the project。

(Two)Accelerate the elimination of backward production capacity in key industries。

Strict implementation and timely revision《Catalogue of Prohibitions and Restrictions on Industrial Access in Hainan Province》,The study significantly raised pollutant or greenhouse gas emissions above the industry average、Processes and equipment with low level of energy efficiency and clean production are included in the list of elimination and restriction.。New steel production capacity is strictly prohibited,Completely eliminate the backward production capacity of brick and tile industry such as solid clay brick。Projects involving capacity replacement,After the replacement capacity and its supporting facilities are shut down,New projects can be put into operation.。

(Three)Actively promote green and low-carbon upgrading and transformation of the park。

Petrochemical、Chemical Industry、Contour height of industrial coatingVOCsNew emission projects must enter the industrial park.。We will promote the construction of cogeneration of heat, power and cooling and comprehensive energy stations in various parks.,Improve the coverage and utilization rate of central heating in industrial parks。Promote central heating in key industrial parks such as Yangpu.。Chengmai Old Town、Expansion of heating pipe network area in Dongfang Industrial Park。Promoting the Betel Nut Processing Industry in Wanning to Enter the Park,And realize centralized heat supply。

Cities and counties where small and medium-sized traditional manufacturing enterprises are concentrated formulate development plans for industrial agglomeration areas involving air pollutant emissions.。Processing of existing timber、Stone processing and other industrial agglomeration areas,Formulate a special rectification plan,According to“Combination of dredging and blocking、Classified treatment”The principle of,Implement elimination and shutdown、Move into the park、Local transformation、Be better and stronger。Push forward according to local conditions“Green Island”Engineering construction,Push Haikou、Sanya Construction Automobile Repair Centralized Spraying Engineering Center。

Carry out“Scattered and dirty”Dynamic investigation and rectification,Establish a rectification list and track the sales number one by one。Take strict precautions“Scattered and dirty”Transfer of enterprises to other places、Resurgence,Consolidate the early stage“Scattered and dirty”Achievements of enterprise renovation,Scientific classification measures,Combination of dredging and blocking,Eliminate“One size fits all”。

(Four)Optimization includesVOCsRaw and auxiliary materials and product structure。

Strict control of production and use of highVOCsContent of solvent-based coatings、Ink、Adhesive、Cleaning agent and other construction projects,Raise low(None)VOCsContent and product specific gravity。Implementation of source substitution project,Increase industrial painting、Low in packaging, printing and electronics industries(None)VOCsContent of raw and auxiliary materials substitution strength。Primer for whole automobile manufacturing、Middle coat、Color paint,Base color paint for automobile repair、Natural color finish,The popularization and use of outdoor structure protection and urban road traffic signs are low.(None)VOCsContent of paint。In strict accordance with relevant technical requirements,Perform the coating、Ink、Adhesive、Cleaning agent, etcVOCsContent limit standard,Conduct at least one spot check every quarter,Ensure production、Sale、Importing products that meet the standards。

Three、Optimize the energy structure,Accelerate the development of clean, low-carbon and efficient energy

(One)Increase the proportion of clean energy。

Increase the proportion of clean energy,By 2025,The proportion of non-fossil energy consumption reached 22 percent%Left and right,Electricity accounts for 35% of final energy consumption%Left and right。Actively promote the second phase of Changjiang Nuclear Power Plant、Nuclear power small reactor、Gas and electricity、“Scenery”Construction of a number of major projects,Actively and steadily promote the development and construction of offshore wind power projects,Exploration and protection of 2 to 3 nuclear power sites。Promote the development plan of hydrogen energy industry.。Continue to promote distributed natural gas integrated energy、Construction of gas storage and peak shaving facilities,Encourage rational distribution of domestic waste incineration power generation projects across cities and counties。Cities and counties timely optimize the delimitation of no-combustion zones for highly polluting fuels。

(Two)Implementation of total coal control。

Strictly control new coal consumption projects,It is forbidden to add new coal-fired power plants and self-provided coal-fired units.,Eliminate backward production capacity,Reduce total coal consumption。Strengthening the supervision of coal quality,Gradually reduce industrial coal burning,Orderly reduce the level of coal consumption。Strengthen boiler supervision and management,Prohibit new creation、Expansion of coal-fired boilers,It is forbidden to build new biomass boilers of 2 steam tons or less per hour.。

(Three)Implement deep treatment of industrial furnaces and kilns。

Encourage industrial furnaces and kilns to use electricity、Clean energy such as natural gas。Comprehensive investigation of simple and inefficient pollution control facilities for industrial furnaces and kilns,Improve the management list of various industrial furnaces and kilns,Through clean energy substitution、Upgrading、Integration, withdrawal, etc.,The technical route for comprehensive treatment of industrial furnaces and kilns is classified and put forward.。

Four、Optimize the transport structure,Vigorously develop the green transport system

(One)Accelerate the green transformation of transportation structure。

Further improve the port、Airport、Railway freight yard、Waterway、Multimodal Transport Function of Logistics Park,Raise the railway、Waterway freight volume,We will actively promote the expansion and transformation of the West Ring Ordinary Speed Railway and the Yangpu Railway Branch Line Project.,Support the construction of logistics base of Haikou South Railway Station。New container and bulk cargo operation area of the port,Synchronous planning and construction of inbound railway。Build and relocate logistics parks with an annual volume of bulk goods of more than 1.5 million tons、Industrial and mining enterprises and coal storage bases,In principle, it shall be connected to special railway lines or pipelines.。Diesel trucks with national emission standards of three or below and gasoline vehicles with national emission standards of one or below are high-emission motor vehicles.,Encourage traffic restriction through areas、Financial subsidies and other ways to speed up the elimination。

(Two)Vigorously promote new energy vehicles。

Control the number of fuel vehicles,Speed up the elimination of gas trucks using lean combustion technology,Increase the promotion and application of new energy vehicles。By 2025,New and replacement vehicles in public services 100%Use clean energy vehicles;Official car、 Bus 、The proportion of clean energy for cruise taxis and time-sharing rental cars will strive to reach 100%(Except for special purpose);Light logistics distribution、Urban sanitation、Online car-hailing、Tourist buses and other social operations to accelerate the promotion of clean energy,The number of new energy vehicles has reached 20% of the total number of vehicles in the province%。Closed belt corridors or new energy vehicles are preferred for short-distance freight transportation.。Speed up the construction of charging facilities,By 2025,The overall ratio of vehicles to piles in the province is less than 2.5∶1,Full coverage of fast charging stations in expressway service areas,The network of charging and switching infrastructure has been basically completed。

(Three)We will further promote the prevention and control of non-road mobile source pollution.。

Continue to promote the investigation of off-road mobile machinery、Code registration。Increase the frequency and proportion of exhaust emission sampling,Every year, Haikou City completes sampling no less than 600 units.,No less than 200 sets in Sanya City,The sampling proportion of other cities and counties shall not be less than 10% of the number of code registration%。Timely optimization of the scope of emission control zones,Strict standards for identifying high-emission off-road mobile machinery。By 2025,Basic elimination of non-road mobile machinery“Black smoke”Phenomenon,Basically eliminate non-road mobile machinery with national emission standards of I and below。

Except for fire protection、Emergency support such as rescue.,Port、Airport、Railway freight yard、Logistics Park、Newly added or updated on-site operating vehicles and machinery in industrial and mining enterprises have basically realized new energy.。Vigorously promote the elimination of old railway locomotives。

(Four)Strengthen pollution prevention and control of ships, ports and airports。

Clean up completely“Three without”Ship,Implement“Reduce the quantity and control the increment”,Completely eliminate fuel oil ships in Songtao Reservoir、“Three without”Ship,Standardize the management of electric gas ships。We will accelerate the promotion of subsidies for offshore fishing vessels to reduce their production and renovate them.,Reduce old fishing boats,Carry out renovation and transformation,Carry out new energy pilot projects for fishing vessels。Strictly implement the system of compulsory scrapping of ships,Speed up the elimination of high pollution、Passenger ships and old transport ships with high energy consumption,Promote the development of new energy and clean energy ships,Accelerate the substitution of natural gas for clean energy。By 2025,Ships are basically eliminated“Black smoke”Phenomenon。Seagoing vessel enters Hainan waters of coastal control area,Sulfur content not greater than 0% shall be used.1%m/mMarine fuel oil。The sampling rate of marine fuel oil for ships arriving at the port shall not be less than 1%。

Implement the construction of wharf shore power facilities,Speed up the transformation of ship's power receiving device,By 2025,The coverage rate of port shore power facilities in the province reaches 100%,Gradually improve the utilization rate of shore power for ships in port。Promote ground power supply(GPU)Alternative Aircraft Auxiliary Power Unit。By 2025,Haikou Meilan Airport、Sanya Phoenix Airport、Qionghai Boao Airport is based on the principle of full utilization.,The utilization rate of bridge electricity near the stand reaches 95 percent%Above。

(Five)Guarantee the quality of refined oil in an all-round way。

Strengthen vehicle use、Marine oil quality supervision and inspection。Imports of oil products、Production、Warehousing、Sale、Transportation、Use and other links to strengthen supervision,Comprehensively clean up and rectify self-built oil tanks、Mobile refueling truck(The ship)And black gas stations,Strictly crack down on illegal and criminal acts such as oil smuggling and sale of non-standard oil as engine fuel.;Strengthen the inspection of diesel use links,Lift the truck、Sampling frequency of diesel oil in oil tank of non-road mobile machinery,Trace the clues of non-standard oil problems found,Strictly investigate the relevant production、Sale、The main responsibility of the transporter。

(Six)Improve the motor vehicle pollution control system。

Improve the detection rate and punishment rate of off-site law enforcement of smoky vehicles。Strengthen road inspection of motor vehicle exhaust,No.1—Not less than once a quarter in the third quarter,Not less than once a month in the fourth quarter,Among them, the proportion of heavy trucks is increased.。Increase the household inspection of centralized use and parking places of diesel vehicles,Strictly crack down on dismantling tail gas after-treatment devices、Tampering with the OBD system(OBD)And other illegal acts。

Supervision and spot check of new production trucks to achieve full coverage of the family。Strengthen in-use vehicle emission inspection and maintenance management,Continue to implement the system of motor vehicle emission testing and compulsory maintenance(I/M System )And motor vehicle emission recall system。Combine“Double random、One open”Work to carry out supervision and spot check of inspection data of emission inspection institutions。

Five、Comprehensively strengthen the control of non-point source pollution,Improve the level of fine management

(One)Implementation of fine dust control。

Construction sites and roads、Piping、Water conservancy and other linear projects should be well planned for construction,Avoid extensive excavation。The cost of dust pollution prevention and control should be included in the project cost.,At the same time, the prevention and control of dust pollution should be included in the scope of civilized construction management and the credit management system of the construction market.。Reinforcement“Online+Offline”Regulation,Construction“Intelligent construction site”Demonstration project,Promote automatic identification and push of dust pollution。Establish a control list of key dust pollution sources and update it dynamically.。In-depth promotion of prefabricated buildings,By 2025,Prefabricated buildings account for more than 80% of new buildings%。

Continue to carry out mechanized road cleaning、Spraying and other low-dust operation modes,Establish and improve the normal sprinkling and dust reduction mechanism for urban and rural roads in line with meteorological conditions.。By 2025,The machine sweeping rate of roads in urban built-up areas of cities and counties reached 93%。Carry out special renovation actions for dregs transport vehicles,Standardized closed management of dregs transport vehicles。Strictly check the dust pollution of transport vehicles,Strictly crack down on the act of scattering along the way。

Carry out a comprehensive investigation of dynamic updating of bare land,Clarify the requirements for classification, rectification and time limit、Responsible unit。Strengthen the sand、Stone、Management and control of open-air storage yards for dust-prone materials such as construction waste,Sprinkle well、Dust suppression and prevention measures such as covering。Strengthen the greening of bare land surface in rural areas。Large coal、The material storage yard of the ore terminal has completed the closed storage and the closed transformation of material transportation.,Material transport vehicles shall be closed vehicles or full-coverage open vehicles.。

(Two)Promoting the comprehensive improvement of mine ecological environment。

Speeding up the restoration and control of production mines in accordance with the relevant provisions of mine geological environmental protection,Actively promote the restoration and management of historical mines。New mines promote the construction of green mines in accordance with relevant requirements,In principle, special railway lines or other clean modes of transport should be built simultaneously.。Dust suppression measures such as sprinkling should be taken regularly in the mining face and transportation road of open-pit mines.,Stockpile area、Ore transportation、Loading and unloading port、The crushing workshop shall be closed for production and equipped with pollution prevention and control facilities to ensure normal operation.,The soil yard shall be covered and sprinkled with water to suppress dust。Mines that fail to meet the standards for rectification within a time limit,According to the ecological environment、Natural resources、Safe production、Water and soil conservation and other requirements shall be closed according to law.。

(Three)Optimize urban and rural areas“Four smokes”Rectification。

Consolidate the achievements of intelligent supervision of straw burning in the open air,The online rate of high-definition video surveillance shall not be less than 90%。Comprehensive use of high-definition video surveillance、UAVs and other means,Strengthen grid supervision,Improve the monitoring accuracy and disposal efficiency of straw burning fire point,Organize and carry out special inspections in key areas during key periods。Establishment of straw resources account system and regular scheduling mechanism,Improve the system of straw collection, storage and transportation,Enhance the industrialization ability,Improve the efficiency of leaving the field。Promoting the comprehensive utilization of straw energy,Improve the standardization of straw returning、Standardization level,Strive to 2025,The comprehensive utilization rate of main crop straw is stable at 86%Above。Open burning of garbage is prohibited in the whole province.。

Consolidate the achievements of banning fireworks and firecrackers,Optimize the scope of the no-combustion zone。Strengthen the Spring Festival、Control of fireworks and firecrackers during Lantern Festival and other holidays。Strengthen source management,Control the total amount of fireworks and firecrackers wholesale enterprises,Reduce the issuance of fireworks and firecrackers in the no-combustion zones designated by the municipal and county governments.(Retail)License。

Crack down on local smoking and roasting of betel nut,Strict implementation of territorial management responsibilities,Strictly implement the responsibility system for work objectives and the grid-based comprehensive prevention and control mechanism.。Set up a joint law enforcement team,Combined with the change of night monitoring data of air quality in betel nut season,Use UAV reconnaissance and other scientific and technological means to carry out patrols.。Actively promote environmental protection equipment for baking betel nut and black fruit,Combination of blocking and dredging,Promoting the green development of betel nut industry。

Strictly supervise and urge catering service units to install lampblack purification facilities,Establish and dynamically update the management account。Comprehensively carry out investigation and rectification of the operation of cooking fume purification facilities in catering service units,Establish and dynamically update the management account。Strict layout management of catering service units near residential buildings,Special flues shall be designed and constructed for buildings to be provided with catering services.。To solve the problem of oil smoke disturbing the people reflected by the people according to local conditions,Promote the implementation of third-party operation and maintenance management and online monitoring of governance facilities in cities and counties where conditions permit。The municipal and county governments scientifically and reasonably delimit the open-air barbecue area according to the actual situation.。

Six、Implementation of multi-pollutant coordinated control,Effectively reduce emission intensity

(One)ImplementVOCsWhole-process comprehensive treatment。

Carry out simple and inefficientVOCsCleaning and renovation of treatment facilities。Promote the petrochemical industryVOCsComprehensive renovation,Deepen leak detection and repair(LDAR)Job。Implement comprehensive treatment of storage tanks,Encourage the use of low-leak breather valves for tanks、Emergency relief valve,Carry out sealing test regularly。Separate collection and treatment measures shall be taken for high-concentration organic waste gas in the sewage treatment plant,ContainVOCsOrganic wastewater storage tank、Catch well in the unit area(Pool)Organic waste gas shall be collected and treated in a sealed manner.。Strengthen exhaust emission control under abnormal working conditions,Enterprises start and stop work、During inspection and maintenance,Collect and handle returned materials in time、 Cleaning 、Purging and other operationsVOCsWaste gas,Torch burning devices shall not be used as routine air pollution treatment facilities.。Strengthen the loading and unloading control of volatile organic liquid,Promoting the Use of Sealed Quick Couplings in Tank Cars。

(Two)Developing ultra-low emission in non-electric industries。

Promote ultra-low emission transformation and glass in cement industry、Lime and other industries to implement in-depth treatment。Transformation of Gas-fired Boiler for Low Nitrogen Combustion。Biomass boilers should be equipped with high-efficiency dust removal facilities such as cloth bags.,It is forbidden to burn mixed coal.、 Rubbish 、Other materials such as building boards。Promote the integration of small biomass boilers,Actively guide biomass boilers in urban built-up areas(Including electricity)Ultra-low emission transformation。Comprehensively carry out investigation and remediation of simple and inefficient pollution control facilities for boilers,Dynamically update boiler account,Through clean energy substitution、Upgrading、Classified disposal by means of integration and withdrawal。Comprehensive investigation and clean-up of smoke-related andVOCsExhaust gas bypass,Those that must be retained due to production safety or other reasons,On-line monitoring system and standby disposal facilities shall be installed for the bypass at the same time。

(Three)Carry out special treatment of odor pollution。

To strengthen the investigation and rectification of the problem of strong odor disturbing the people reflected by the masses,Industrial parks where complaints are concentrated、Key enterprises should install on-line monitoring system。Strengthen departmental linkage,To solve the problem of odor disturbing the people reflected by the people according to local conditions,Focus on chemical industry、Pharmaceutical、Industrial painting、Comprehensive treatment of odor pollution in rubber and other industries,Strengthen the garbage、Odor control in each link of sewage treatment。The old city and other parks with prominent problems of odor disturbing the people.,The key enterprises that produce odor should collect odorous gases discharged without organization and deodorize them efficiently.。

(Four)Effectively control ammonia emission。

Reduce the amount of chemical fertilizer per unit area,And improve that utilization rate of the fertilizer,By 2025,The application amount of chemical fertilizer per unit area in the whole province decreased by 15 percent%Above,Fertilizer utilization rate reached 43 percent%。Promote standardized scale farming,Encourage the integrated management of planting and breeding。By 2025,The utilization rate of livestock and poultry manure has reached 90 percent%。Carry out the pilot project of ammonia emission accounting in large-scale livestock and poultry farms,Strengthen the control of ammonia emissions from nitrogen fertilizer and other industries;Strengthen the prevention and control of ammonia escape from industrial flue gas denitration equipment。

(Five)Carry out special rectification of key industries。

Ensure that industrial enterprises fully and steadily meet the discharge standards,Strengthen the operation and maintenance of pollution control facilities,Reduce emissions under abnormal working conditions,Regularly carry out supervision and inspection of industrial enterprises。Develop the use of biomass boilers、Machine-made sand production、Sintered bricks and tiles、Enterprise renovation of concrete mixing industry,Ground hardening is required、Storage of fuel and raw materials in the shed、The conveyor belt is completely closed,Comprehensive control of unorganized emissions。Rectify and review the sales number of the enterprises with problems。

(Six)Strengthen the comprehensive renovation of urban core areas。

Dynamically update industrial enterprises in urban core area、Construction site、Bare ground、Catering Service Unit、Gas station、Main roads for diesel trucks、Non-road mobile machinery and other air pollution source management list account,Implementing fine control of air pollution sources in urban core areas。Do a good job of sprinkling water, dust reduction and cleaning of key road sections,Clean up the soil on the edge of the green belt and the road surface in time.。Promoting the full use of electricity in urban core areas、Gas and other clean energy instead of firewood。

Seven、Improve the mechanism construction,Improve the management system of atmospheric environment

(One)Establish a fine management system for air pollution prevention and control。

Set up annual targets for air quality differentiation in cities and counties。According to the construction and development needs of free trade port,Explore the construction of an international air quality evaluation system。Stick to goal guidance,Deeply implement air pollution prevention and control“Monitoring and Problem Finding—Early warning and forecast—Evaluation and judgment—Work response”Full chain response working mechanism,Improve the source control of pollutants+Terminal Emergency Response Mechanism,Deepening grid management of air pollution prevention and control。

(Two)Optimize emergency response measures for pollution weather classification。

Cities and counties strictly implement the real-time response mechanism for abnormal air quality,Start the graded response plan for polluted weather in time,Check at the first time、Disposition and feedback,Form a closed-loop。Optimization of Pollution Weather Classification Response Measures Based on Pollution Source Emission Inventory,Supervise and urge the key units of atmospheric environmental supervision within the jurisdiction to formulate a link with the graded response to polluted weather.“One enterprise, one policy”Programme。Strengthen the means of weather modification intervention,Establish a normal operation mechanism for artificial precipitation enhancement。

(Three)Strengthen joint prevention and control of regional air pollution。

Strengthening the air quality of our province and the South China region、Beibu Gulf Regional Air Quality Forecast and Early Warning Linkage、Forecast business consultation。Promoting coordinated prevention and control of air pollution in cities and counties,Aiming at straw open burning、Areca nut smoked and roasted by indigenous method、Pollution sources such as high-emission industrial enterprises adjacent to the junction of cities and counties that are prone to regional pollution impacts,Conduct joint or cross-monitoring enforcement actions。New projects in key industries involving air pollutant emissions in the border areas of cities and counties,And new elevated source projects that have a great impact on the air quality in the downwind direction.,Relevant cities and counties should carry out EIA consistency consultation。

Eight、Enhancing basic capacity building,Promoting the Modernization of Governance Capacity

(One)Continuous optimization of air quality monitoring network。

Optimize the spatial layout of air quality monitoring sites in cities and counties。Gradually improve key port terminals、Airport、Automatic air quality monitoring network for key urban roads and other traffic。Monitoring of non-methane total hydrocarbons in prefecture-level cities,In key cities and counties、Industrial Park、Ozone Precursors at Wuzhishan Background StationVOCsComponent monitoring,To form a comprehensive monitoring network of ozone precursors in the whole province。

(Two)Enhance the ability of pollution source supervision and monitoring。

Cities and counties regularly update the list of key pollutant discharge units for atmospheric environmental supervision.,Conduct quarterly law enforcement monitoring on key units of atmospheric environmental supervision。Carry out full coverage law enforcement monitoring for enterprises in the sintered brick and tile industry,Biomass-burning boiler enterprise、Wood processing enterprises with heating equipment carry out law enforcement sampling.,Rectification of monitoring exceeding the standard according to law。Pilot installation of working condition monitoring equipment that can indirectly reflect the operation status of emission and pollution facilities by key units of atmospheric environmental supervision、Use electricity(Use energy)Monitoring equipment and video monitoring equipment, etc.。

Reinforcement“Civil Air Defense+Technical defense”Regulatory model,Make full use of UAVs、HD camera、Remote sensing monitoring and other technical means,Implement according to local conditions“Sanitation workers+12345 hotline”Mechanism,Implementation“ Find —Push—Handle—Feedback”Closed-loop supervision mechanism。The ecological environment monitoring stations of cities and counties shall be equipped with smoke and dust analyzers.、Diesel vehicle exhaust detection instrument、Ringelmann blackness tester、PortableVOCsDetector, etc,Have the ability to monitor exhaust gas and motor vehicle exhaust gas。Advanced experience in benchmarking,Promote the construction of remote sensing monitoring system for ship exhaust.,To monitor and supervise the emission of air pollutants from ships sailing in the waters of our province。

(Three)Strengthen atmospheric environmental supervision and law enforcement。

Strengthen the equipment standardization construction of grass-roots ecological environment law enforcement team。Take full advantage of online monitoring、Power monitoring、Off-site law enforcement supervision is carried out by means of video surveillance and UAV inspection.,Reduce the frequency of on-site inspection,Optimizing the way of law enforcement,Improve the efficiency of ecological environment law enforcement。Strictly implement the linking mechanism between daily supervision and administrative punishment,Strictly crack down on illegal activities of atmospheric environment。

Nine、Perfecting the system of regulations and standards,Increase policy incentives

(One)Improve regulations and standards。

Strictly implement relevant national laws, regulations, policies and standards on air pollution prevention and control。Speed up the formulation of boilers in our province、Gas station、Local emission standards for air pollutants in automobile repair and other industries and technical specifications for environmental air quality in Hainan Province。Study on machine-made sand in Hainan Province、Guidelines for Technical Specifications for Air Pollution Prevention and Control in Sintered Brick and Tile Industries。Carry out feasibility study on the implementation of special emission limits in key industries。

(Two)Increase policy incentives。

Financial departments at all levels in the province shall, in accordance with the principle of division of financial powers and expenditure responsibilities,,Co-ordinate funds to support air pollution prevention and control,Ensure the smooth completion of various tasks of basic capacity building。The municipal and county governments encourage enterprises to actively plan and implement air pollution reduction projects.,Establish a government、Enterprise、Social Diversified Investment Mechanism,Broaden financing channels。Supporting cities and counties with good air quality to explore the monitoring and demonstration application of substances beneficial to human health。Implement supportive electricity price policy for port shore-based power supply。Local governments are encouraged to give active support to the charging of new energy city buses.。Supporting cities and counties to establish air pollution prevention and control models。

Ten、Implement safeguard measures,Carry out social action for all

(One)Strengthen organizational leadership。

The municipal and county governments shall take overall responsibility for the prevention and control of air pollution in their respective jurisdictions.,Prefecture-level municipal organizations formulate local implementation plans,Other cities and counties may refer to this plan for implementation.,Implementation plans and supporting measures will no longer be formulated separately.,Carry out all tasks in an all-round way。The Office of the Provincial Leading Group for the Construction of the National Ecological Civilization Experimental Zone and the Supervision of the Ecological Environment Protection is responsible for the overall planning of the tasks of the projects in this plan.、Dispatch、Follow-up evaluation and assessment,Normalization of special atmospheric supervision。Relevant departments directly under the provincial level should implement the division of responsibilities.,Monthly inspection and dispatch of relevant work in cities and counties,Exposure highlights problems。

(Two)Strengthen scientific and technological support。

Increase support for scientific research projects,Emphasis should be placed on strengthening the compilation of air pollution source emission inventories.、Source Apportionment of Air Pollutants、Basic research on background concentration。Before 2025,All cities and counties have completed the compilation of air pollution source emission inventories.,Normalization is updated dynamically year by year and reported to the provincial ecological environment department.。Promoting the compilation of integrated inventories of air pollutants and greenhouse gas emissions。

(Three)Implement national action。

Key units of environmental supervision publish relevant information of enterprises in a timely manner。Production of motor vehicles and non-road mobile machinery、The import enterprise shall disclose the emission inspection to the public according to law.、Pollution control technology and other environmental protection information。The government takes the lead in green procurement,Low overall usage(None)VOCsProducts produced from raw and auxiliary materials,Use of new energy vehicles。Implement the system of rewarding pollution reporting.。Strengthen publicity and education,Enhance citizens' environmental awareness,Form simplicity and moderation、Green and low carbon、Civilized and healthy lifestyle and consumption pattern。Enterprises actively implement green production,Promote pollution control and emission reduction。


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